Exposing Dark Agendas with Troy Anderson | Prophetic Spiritual Warfare with Kathy DeGraw

2 years ago

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Prophetic Spiritual Warfare with Kathy DeGraw
Exposing Dark Agendas in the End Times with Troy Anderson (Ep 441)

God warns believers to be vigilant. Satan, the father of lies, leads the forces of darkness as a military strategist. Just like how military leaders throughout history have utilized deception to win wars, our enemy is attempting to sow deceit among the heavenly ranks. All believers must engage in both military and spiritual intelligence to alert one another to the signs of the enemy’s advanced tactics and avoid the pitfalls of deception.

In this podcast Troy’s new book, The Military Guide for Disarming Deception, uses spiritual and military warfare tactics to arm believers with spiritual weapons to combat the demonic disinformation, deceit, duplicity and deceptiveness being perpetuated in the Church and the world by the forces of darkness.

Believers will ready themselves to stand firm against the distraction and snares set forth by the enemy and discover power, protection and provision in the unshakable Truth of Jesus and the church.

Connect with Kathy @ kathydegrawministries.org
Connect with Troy Anderson at:
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Prophecy Investigators is a news magazine featuring articles, videos and in-depth investigative stories exploring current events and biblical prophecies.

The Founder and Editor in Chief is Troy Anderson, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist, bestselling author of The Babylon Code, Trumpocalypse and The Military Guide to Armageddon, Vice President of Battle Ready Ministries, and former Executive Editor of Charisma magazine and Charisma Media and reporter at the Los Angeles Daily News. His newest book, coauthored with Col. David Giammona - The Military Guide to Disarming Deception - will be released August 9. Find out more at https://troyanderson.us, https://davidjgiammona.com/david-j-gi... and https://battle-ready.org. Sign up Battle Ready Ministries Newsletter here: https://www.battlereadyministries.org.

Find out more and subscribe to Prophecy Investigators' News at https://www.prophecyinvestigators.com.

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