Bible Mysteries Podcast - Episode 107: The Mystery Roman Empire, Part 1

2 years ago

Show Notes
Episode 107: The Mystery Roman Empire, Part 1

They say Rome wasn’t built in a day. It wasn’t! It has been in the making since Cain slew Abel (Cain built a city), and it still exists today. The Roman Empire didn’t fall; it went into mystery form and will rise again to be the kingdom of the antichrist!

Show Notes:
Ancient Roman Worship of Jupiter:

Jupiter, also called Jove, Latin Iuppiter, Iovis, orDiespiter, the chief ancient Roman and Italian god. Like Zeus, the Greek god with whom he is etymologically identical (root diu, “bright”), Jupiter was a sky god. One of his most ancient epithets is Lucetius (“Light-Bringer”); and later literature has preserved the same idea in such phrases as sub Iove, “under the open sky.”

Later Roman Worship of Emperors:

Octavian himself took the name Augustus, a term indicating a claim to reverence. This did not make him a god in his lifetime, but, combined with the insertion of his numen and his genius (originally the procreative power that enables a family to be carried on) into certain cults, it prepared the way for his posthumous deification, just as Caesar had been deified before him. Both were deified by the state because they seemed to have given Rome gifts worthy of a god.

Pergamos was a city of heathen temples and a pantheon of pagan deities. Jupiter was said to have had his origin there, and to him and other Greek and Roman gods were erected many beautiful and costly temples, giving it the name of "the city of temples." It was the metropolis of heathen deities. Temples were built and dedicated to Jupiter, Zeus, Athena, Dionysius, and Aesculapius, the Greek god of medicine and also called "the god of Pergamum." It was also the center of emperor worship. In AD 29 a great temple was erected to the worship of Augustus Caesar, who was to be prayed to as "Lord Caesar." Domitian decreed that all peoples should address him as "Our Lord and our God.”

The Temple of Zeus was the most celebrated of all the temples of Pergamos, and was dedicated to Aesculapius, "the serpent god" or "god of healing." It was also known as the Temple of Aesculapius, which was called "the Great Physician" and "the Savior." He was also given other titles showing that he was a counterfeit of Christ. In this temple, a living serpent was kept and worshiped. Serpent worship was so universal in Pergamos that many coins have been found with a picture of a serpent entwined around a pole. It is unfortunate that this pagan emblem of healing has become the caduceus of the modern medical profession. In the Temple of Zeus, many miracles of healing were supposed to have been performed. In connection with this temple was also a famous school of medicine.

Scripture References:
All Scripture references are cited from the King James Bible.

Daniel 2:31-36, Daniel 2:37-42, Daniel 7:1-7, Daniel 2:44, Revelation 13:1-5, Matthew 13:10-17, 2 Thessalonians 2:7-10, Luke 4:5-7, Psalm 115:16, Genesis 1:26, Matthew 4:16-17, Acts 26:16-18, Revelation 2:12-13a

Symbolic aspects of the Roman Empire remain all around us, but its origins are as satanic as satan himself. Rome worshipped Jupiter and the emperors, a picture of the dragon and the beast to come. Mystery Rome is alive and well, especially in the United States empire of global hegemony.


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