Putin's Desperation Making The War In Ukraine Even More Scary

2 years ago

Things are not going well for Putin and Russian troops fighting in Ukraine. The Ukrainian counteroffensive has Putin panicking. He is currently calling up 300,000 reservists and conscripts. But the US is warning him that he better not use nuclear weapons. At what point does he get desperate enough to use them?

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Image Credit, Presidential Executive Office of Russia
The image has been cropped and the color has been altered.

There have been I guess close to nine months and eight months of an ongoing conflict in Ukraine as you're aware. There was an article out today where or maybe it was yesterday where the U.S, according to the Washington Post, has sent private warnings to Russia against using a nuclear weapon. and also in the past three or four days Putin has called up 300,000 reservists. We don't know the actual numbers that are actually going to show up. but let's just presume that's the case. and yesterday or today instituted a draft that is on top of reservists. so you have people come in with no military expertise whatsoever they're coming in presumably they're getting trained but I mean this is a draft. And I guess from my perspective and I don't know how you feel about the funding. there are tens of millions of dollars I mean really billions of dollars at this point. so several billions of dollars that we have at least poured into Ukraine. I guess the first thing that strikes me is the United States was warning everyone that Russia was going to invade Ukraine for like a month or two in the ramp-up, maybe more. and there was a lot of skepticism about what the United States was saying. There were a lot of folks saying this is just hype. This is the U.S trying to scare people. and in retrospect, it is clear that they were correct. and they were trying to forestall an invasion by Russia of Ukraine. Now regardless of where people are on how much provocation was involved in terms of NATO to the extent that Putin was doing this because he was afraid of NATO encroachment, a categorically failed strategy. right? I mean NATO has expanded in the past eight months by two countries. I, you know, I'm dubious of some of the polling that has taken place around this. but I have no doubt in this country that NATO stands as popular as it has probably ever been or darn close to it in the past like 30 years 40 years. but I'm concerned about what's going on with this warning about nukes because this seems to sort of be analogous to what we were seeing in the build-up before the war. The U.S clearly has Intelligence on the inside in Putin's if not Circle pretty close to it. and it's not hard to imagine that some disgruntled oligarchs in that Circle don't feel like they have any other option except to maybe cooperate with the U.S and intelligence.

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