Marijuana Is NOT Harmless - Victim of Someone High on Marijuana

2 years ago

They call it harmless but it isn't. Unlike some things, people do not need marijuana (pot) to survive. People use it to escape. Drug dealers and thugs make money off of this weakness. It destroys families and makes people apathetic. If someone can't live without it then put it in a pill, don't force it on others through smoke. Second hand smoke can get others high and affect their lives, too.

Did you know that most mass shooters were marijuana users? This is because it is a cause of mental illness and schizophrenia.

Learn The Facts
Why Marijuana Smoking should NOT be legalized.

It does not just affect the user.
1) Second Hand Smoke gets people who breathe the smoke high, too.
2) Difficulties in family increases

How it affects the user after the affects wear off (Results of Government Research):

a. Used 50 times: 600% increased risk of schizophrenia.
b. Used 10 times: 70% increased risk of becoming schizophrenic
c. Contains more harmful toxins than tobacco smoke,
i. 4x more tar than cigarettes
ii. 20x more ammonia, which is linked to cancer
iii. 5x more hydrogen cyanide and nitrogen oxides (which can cause heart damage and lung damage)
iv. 50-70% more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke. Marijuana users usually inhale more deeply and hold their breath longer than tobacco smokers do, which further increase the lungs' exposure to carcinogenic smoke.
d. 60% increase of gum disease
e. Marijuana triggers psychosis and schizophrenia even after the affects wear off!
f. Increase in anxiety
g. Increase in memory problems
h. Increases the likelihood of Heart attacks
i. Increases the likelihood of Bronchitis
j. Increases the likelihood of Infertility
k. Increases the likelihood of lung cancer, and lung damage including holes forming in the lungs.
l. Increase in paranoia
m. Increases self-doubting
n. Decrease in academic performance (average of 8pts)
o. Decrease in athletic abilities
p. Difficulty coping within their families
q. Slows physical responses
r. Difficulties in focusing and concentrating
s. Unable to complete tasks from lack of motivation (no desire to better themselves)
t. Unable to rationalize properly

While under the influence:
In emergency situations, marijuana slowed people down and gave one a false sense of security so there was no urgency in their mind. This distorted view can be deadly to them and those dependent on them.

Twice as likely to be involved in a fatal car crash.

Marijuana hijacks the nervous system and controls receptors. This affects memory, appetite, thoughts and moods because they have most receptors. Marijuana affects the hypothalamus which is the control center for hunger and memory. It destroys receptors used for physical tasks too. Under the influence, it can destroy all new information it receives.

Signs of addiction:
a. Insomnia, nausea, anxiousness, irritability, decreased appetite, drug craving…the withdrawals last 1-2 weeks.

Marijuana Affects Your Unborn Child
1) Neurological problems
2) Memory problems
3) Attention problems

“Normally a person can feel high on their own through activities they enjoy. Marijuana mimics the same chemical reaction. Once the body no longer has to autonomically trigger the pleasure feelings, it doesn’t. Once the marijuana is gone, the feeling is gone and the body has a harder time getting back in the cycle again. The temporary high turns to a temporary low through psychosis. Because marijuana hijacks these autonomic reactions, the body is less likely to produce the high feeling on its own. This reinforces the need and leads to addiction.”

Who gets addicted?
25-50% of daily users
17% of our youth
9% of first-time users

These are stats from the Whitehouse:

1. In 2011, 4.2 million were addicted. 1-in-11 people who use marijuana become dependent on the drug. More than pain relievers, cocaine, tranquilizers, hallucinogens, and heroin combined.

2. In 2011, 872,000 Americans 12 or older reported receiving treatment for marijuana use, more than any other illicit drug.

3. Marijuana is also the second leading substance for which people receive drug treatment and a major cause for visits to emergency rooms. In 2010, marijuana was involved in more than 461,000 emergency department visits nationwide.

4. The earlier young people initiate use, the more likely they are to become dependent on marijuana or other drugs later in life.

5. Marijuana potency has almost tripled over the past 20 years.

6. Long-term use of marijuana has been linked to a lower IQ (as much as an average 8 point drop) later in life.

7. Crime increases in areas of drug use. If people would stop using (remove the demand), then there would less crime and addiction.

8. Health costs go up, currently $52 billion a year is being spent to fight the costs of illegal drug use. The Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare) means you are paying for everyone else's health problems too, so your neighbor’s problem will be your problem too! 25% of healthcare costs go toward mental illnesses. This number will increase.

Personal Experiences:

1) I know someone who died from taking 1 puff.

2) I have witnessed families destroyed by marijuana.

3) I know someone who is addicted to drugs and had a heart attack at age 21. He started with marijuana and went on to harder drugs. I have heard similar stories from others.

4) I know pot smokers and they seem to be getting more stupid every day.

5) I had employees that lived in California and they are the absolute worst to work with. In California it is hard to find sober workers.

6) Most people cannot afford marijuana but they buy it anyway, then they complain that they don't have money for food and bills. It is not a food, or drink, it does not nourish the body so why do people do this?

7) There is such hypocrisy, the same people who want a cleaner environment are directly inhaling these drugs into their system. What good is clean air if you are taking dirty air directly into your lungs then holding it there?

Other facts:

1) Innocent people die every day from drug dealers and smugglers. Is that puff worth a child's life?

2) Drug dealers are making a lot of money off the drug. Is that where we want our money going? People can't afford to buy food but they have money for their addictions.

3) People compare it to alcohol, another drug. (100,000 deaths per year from alcohol abuse) Look at how much of a problem alcohol is, do we really need more legal drugs? Marijuana is worse than alcohol because it affects others when the smoke from the marijuana travels. It cannot be contained, so innocent people end up inhaling it and yes, it does affect their health and mind. Being legal does not make it okay. We finally got rid of most cigarette smoke and now we are replacing it with something worse!

4) Once under the influence, people get stupid and do stupid things.

5) People say that marijuana can ease medical pain. So can other illegal drugs, that is why there is a prescription for them. The rumor that this drug is not harmful is what makes it more dangerous. People forget that drugs were made illegal because of their danger to society, not because someone wanted to take the fun out of life. Also, marijuana has been rejected as “medicine” by the American Medical Association, the American Glaucoma Society, the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the International Federation of Multiple Sclerosis Societies, and the American Cancer Society. It is rogue agencies and people with ulterior motives that are promoting it.

6) People are just plain rude to do it in public.

7) People are lying, saying it is for medical use when in reality it is for recreational use.

8) Families endure abuse because this is so widely accepted.

9) Every single person I have met who drinks has driven under the influence. I expect the same with marijuana.

The good thing is that 58 percent of Americans 12 and older had never used marijuana.

1) Children need their parents to think clearly and make important decisions. I don't want anything in my body that is going to make it hard to think clearly.

2) I don't need some drug to make me happy and I certainly do NOT need to temporarily escape life. Marijuana just makes life harder.

Note: Newer versions of marijuana are more potent so newer data will suggest worse numbers.

Marijuana and other drugs, destroys families. It takes away ambition and without ambition, our children (adults, too) will have difficulty achieving their dreams. It is an unhealthy form of escape. Yes, there are worse forms of escape but it does not take away from the fact that marijuana is bad, too.

YOU CAN GET HIGH FROM SECOND HAND SMOKE! That is an invasion of other people’s space. It is similar to forcing it on others.

People talk about it helping with illnesses but there are other ways to help that do not involve smoking… smoke travels and it is possible to get high from the second hand smoke. We especially need to protect the children. If you have a medical condition, use a pill or other forms of medical cures.

Billionaire George Soros is getting richer off it.

This data was based on marijuana that had lower levels of THC. Today, the levels of THC are much higher. Therefore it is easier to control people who are addicted and need more so evil people push for it to be legal.

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