REVEAL | iScry scrolls - Full set, Abstract & Ancient Divination (SOLD)

2 years ago


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Dear Sacred Seer,

I sense you hold an appreciation for masterpeace over mass produced.  Your old soul is called to include such canvas cards in your own readings that are tantalizing to touch and tickle your third eye.

Scry safe amidst scrolls willing to be your multidimensional mirrors, that activate the abstract mind and awaken your ancient awareness. See how you feel for intuitive insights and symbolic support for yourself or another.

Each set is holistically handcrafted 1/1 and comes with total of 33 original Ink blot canvas cards/scrolls. Scrolls size is 4"x6" (ish) created on raw rough cut canvas.

Balance brings you x13 SEER scrolls, thrice dyed for an old worn/aged/antique effect, as though they have travelled through lifetimes with you and x13 ORACLE inspired scrolls keeping a natural light background invoking inspirational illuminations and 7 Chakra cards mysteriously unknown in light or dark background .

**BONUS** Your FULL SET comes with a canvas case, bookmark and amulet. All sealed with a sacred ink blot to protect your perspective possibilities

Each set is infused with healing and feeling and is its own energy for your empathic eyes to explore. Coloration, sizes and details may and will differ

Thank you for your support, Love Steph and the iScry spirits xo

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