Bernie Gives Joe Manchin A Taste Of His Own Medicine

2 years ago

Joe Manchin is crying because Bernie isn't back his bill on permitting reform.

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Joe Manchin and we've been talking about Joe Manchin for two years now. and so you know look at the end of the day stopping Joe Manchin's agenda is not just because it feels good. It's because his agenda is bad. and so it's good for the planet. It's good for the country. but I'm not gonna lie, it also feels good. Let's watch this video of Joe Manchin. I got to be honest with you. I've been around for a long time in state politics and federal politics. I've never seen stranger drug problems than Bernie Sanders and the extreme liberal left siding up with the Republican leadership in the caucus. I've never seen this happen. So it's come to me that what I'm hearing is like Revenge politics. and basically Revenge towards one person me. and I'm thinking this is not about me. This is about something that Bernie has never done. Bernie has never supported anything about permitting reforms. oh. oh. I'm so sorry. So your colleagues did not like you after you said that you were going to agree to a build back better 1.75 trillion dollar agreement in a back room with Schumer and then as soon as that came too close to a reality you balked at that promise and people might have some bad feelings about doing negotiations with you? Did that hurt your fifis? hmm I like how he's trying to sort of you can't it's almost like he's trying to find a Toe Hold here with like this seems really inappropriate that Bernie Sanders and the extreme liberal left are with the Republican leadership. I mean yeah he can't quite figure out like where he fits in. That is what he's supposed to support. I thought he was like I'm in the middle, guys. So if in theory, Bernie is working with Mitch McConnell which we know that's not the case it's just like they're not going to agree to anything in terms of a Reconciliation package here. but like if that was the case that's supposed to be his brand. right? Everyone is coming together.

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