FOUND MY HANGERS!!! - And Still Fightin' the Mosquitos - San Juan, Puerto Rico - September 25, 2022

2 years ago

More mosquito info...

DuckDuckGo: mosquito coil

But do mosquito coils work? The smoke emitted from the coils can be effective, but very limited. The coils only cover a small area, and if it’s breezy, the smoke will drift away, leaving you unprotected.


While mosquito coils can be effective for repelling mosquitoes, other options are just as, if not more, effective. Covering as much exposed skin as possible, planting naturally mosquito-repellent plants, such as citronella and lemongrass, and using protective items like screen tents can help.

Are Mosquito Coils Harmful to Health?

While the components of mosquito coils are all-natural, it’s still valid to wonder about the overall safety of using them. There have been a few studies that have focused on the mosquito coil’s harmful effects.

Here are some of the top mosquito coil safety concerns for humans and pets:

One study published in Environmental Health Perspectives indicated that some of the most popular brands of mosquito coils give off smoke that contains known or possible carcinogens, including formaldehyde.

The same study notes that the fine and ultra-fine particulate matter in the smoke can irritate the eyes, nose, and lungs.

Mosquito coils can also be a fire hazard. Almost every year there are news stories about fires resulting from unattended mosquito coils or coils that have been knocked onto flammable items. If you have kids and pets, you know how easily things can get bumped into and knocked over.



Travel, Employment & Basic Survival

Documenting my post-college life (at the ripe old age of 55) as I venture into the unknown during a time of economic, social, and environmental upheaval. Hopefully, I’ve also managed to include some useful information along the way.




Two First Steps to Escape the USA

Is it Time to Leave the Country? Interview with Robert Kiyosaki

How to Leave Your Country for $1,000 or Less

I've Got My Trifecta - Yerevan, Armenia - July 4, 2022
Everybody needs to decide for themselves, but I just thought I'd throw my own selection out there just so people can get a sense of what they might want to lookout for.

Trifecta Update - Istanbul, Turkey - July 28, 2022

Monoglot Guru
You don't need to be some kind of international know-it-all, you just have to want to leave.



Teacher! Teacher!...Where are you from?

When there are no words...


¿Qué Pasa, USA?: Episodio 2 (Ay Abuela)

Why this episode?

I can't recall if it was a joke or just a general sentiment I stumbled across, but apparently, the Cuban attribute of respecting elders seems to strike other latin groups as absurd or humorous.

Maybe it's just respecting FEMALE elders that strikes them as amusing. - If I recall correctly, I believe they DID specify "Abuelita".

So...if displaying respect for your own society is a particularly Cuban attribute...

Well, then...


Vince Vaughn Sings 4th of July “Carols”

The final days...

I used to listen to the news on the radio...

I needed to know how all this was going on...

OMG - People's perception of reality...

A constant bewilderment for me.


The big bang theory-Sheldon gets robbed.. again

Absolute fan.

Again, my final days back in the States...

I don't know if ANYONE is just a passive witness to the open hostility anymore.

Complete strangers would actually walk up to you.

They may or may not SAY anything...but, yeah, things like that were actually happening.

This episode?

A VERY cleaned-up version of the general atmosphere.

I suppose I should specify my locale. -> Houston.



A Trifecta for the Rest of Us: Because Travel, Fulfillment & Peace Should be Obtainable by All
by Adrienne Harris

Travel guide for survivalists.

Monoglot Guru: Your Passport to the World
by Adrienne Harris

Heads-up for travelers, would-be travelers, and long-term planners.


Amazon Author Page

Trifecta for the Rest of Us - Draft2Digital

Monoglot Guru - Draft2Digital

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