Another September Fungi Hunt 2022 in Super Dark Woods

2 years ago

Filmed a day after the first September hunt and a better result as far as the Boletus Edulis were concerned.
The area which was too dark to hunt in last time gave up some nice Boletus and a Beef Steak fungus so I'm very pleased with this hunt.
Everything from the last 2 hunts has been dried in the air drier and is stored in a mason jar for future use.
Wicker foraging basket:
It's still relatively early for the main harvest but with some more rain it could cause a major crop to erupt in the woods.
The two edible species found today were Beef Steak Fungus and Cep / Penny Bun / Porcini with nothing else showing yet. I'm sure this area will produce other edibles in the near future as we get more rain.....Only God knows where the golf balls came from....

On a serious note, it is very important to learn as many 'outdoor' skills as you can since you never know when you need them.
Having knowledge of natural environments, shooting, trapping, fishing and foraging are literally life-saving skills since without them we die when the current system of on-demand food and easy shopping goes away.....and it will go away at some point - do you want to be the guy fighting a hungry 300lb man-monster for the last packet of Super Noodles in an empty supermarket or do you want to be prepared?
Do you want your pronouns to be Was / Were? ........ nope.
It's a simple choice.
Knowledge is power but we're 'educated' to exist in the system without being taught what the system is and how to navigate the (obvious) pitfalls.
Knowledge costs nothing and can be carried in the mind, given away for free and used to combat ignorance - it's a great deal but takes time and effort to learn useful skills.

If you prefer a free speech platform to watch content then please check out my channels on Odysee and Rumble:
To be honest I've not much idea of what Rumble is or does but it seems quite popular among people more tech-savvy than me....and somehow plenty of people have already found the videos judging by the views (and 'Rumbles'?).
Both Odysee and Rumble have new videos uploaded to them as soon as they upload on YouTube.

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