Prophetic Word: Was Mary Magdalene a prostitute? #propheticword #marymagdelene #daphneylysministries

2 years ago

Prophetic Word: Was Mary Magdalene a prostitute?
Mary Magdelene was NOT a prostitute. She was very powerful in the spirit. The agents of the devil are spreading these rumors because they want to mislead people. She had a very strong anointing. The devil knew if her and Jesus became and item, it was going to be a problem and it was. She carried the grace of what the embodiment of a true kingdom spouse. They said that because they wanted to put her on the wrong path in case Jesus comes back soon, she will be known to be someone who spells around just to bring disgrace to God. #God #propheticword #prophetess #marymagdelene #spouse #Jesus #prostitute #daphneylysministries #viral #fyp

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