Wow, This cat is a very wonderful performance.

2 years ago

Did you know any of these facts?

The history of hairless cats

Hairlessness in cats stems from a genetic mutation. It has been seen sporadically throughout the history of cats under natural circumstances. The first time the trait was selected specifically to develop a hairless breed was in the 1960’s. The first noted example was one hairless kitten aptly called Prune. Due to the very limited gene pool, some of the first cat breeds suffered from various health problems.

About a decade later, two hairless barn cats were born in Minnesota, and three hairless strays were born in Canada. From these two litters came the main lines of descent of the modern Sphynx cat.

Meanwhile in Russia, a separate hairless cat breed developed in the 1980’s, known as the Donskoy or Don Sphynx. These hairless cats were then outcrossed to create the Peterbald, amongst other breeds. Although the Sphynx and Don Sphynx look alike, the genetic mutation responsible for their hairlessness is, in fact, different.

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