Lose Weight - How To Lose Belly Fat For Physical And Mental Health

2 years ago

Lose weight and learn how to lose belly fat for physical and mental health. This video on Practical Inspiration will give tips on how men or women can lose belly fat, explaining why you should exercises to lose weight, lose belly fat and weight loss exercises.

It will also focus on other tips to lose belly fat, including dietary advice.
What Is Belly Fat:
You see the problem is that fat, isn’t just the inch you can pinch known as subcutaneous fat the real danger is the fat that’s in your abdomen and surrounding your internal organs known as visceral fat. Studies have shown visceral fat puts us at higher risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and in women it’s even shown to increase the risk of breast cancer.

The Science Behind These Exercises And Weight Loss:
If done correctly after 6 weeks of exercise studies showed a loss of over 2cm around the waist of the participants which is great and this is without any diet change to see a difference.

Now these results are good but can be better with diet changes, which has been shown in studies to lose 1kg a week and 5cm around the waist after 6 weeks.

This because the participants who only did the abdominal exercises so no diet change only really improved their muscle tone. We know by increasing your muscle tone you essentially hold fat in with muscle so they haven’t reduced the fat around the waist but it does give a thinner appearance, hence the 2cm reduction.

It’s why it's important not be fixated on just doing abdominal crunches to try and lose weight or belly fat. Yes these exercises have been shown to give a 2cm reduction in waste size after 6 weeks. But you also really need to make those dietary changes as explained in this video for maximum impact.

If you do the diet correctly you can expect to lose 0.5 to 1kg every week which is great but here’s the best part after 6 weeks the study showed that each individual also reduced their dangerous visceral fat by 14% and they reduced their cholesterol, blood pressure and had a 5cm reduction in their waistline and that’s without any exercise so just imagine the results if you merge these abdominal exercise and diet change
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