Return of Sun God: Light, Consciousness, and the True Secret of Initiation

2 years ago

"LIGHT is the creature of the unseen GOD that taught the true religion to the Ancient Patriarchs: AWFUL, MYSTERIOUS, THE ABSOLUTE.

Man was created pure; and God gave him TRUTH, as He gave him LIGHT. He has lost the truth and found error. He wandered far into darkness; and round him Sin and Shame hover evermore. The Soul that is impure, and sinful, and defiled with earthly stains, cannot again unite with God, until, by long trials and many purifications, it is finally delivered from the old clamity; and Light overcomes Darkness and dethrones it, in the Soul."-Abert Pike Sovereign Grand Inspector-General of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, thirty-third degree, Morals and Dogma

Ra, Horus, Jesus, Quetzecoatl, Lucifer, Apollo, Osiris, and a long list of others from nearly every culture on Earth are all variatios of the concept of the Sun God. Sun worship was at one time nearly universal, and the reasons are so obvious that they barely bare elucidation. Light, is life. Without fire, and the light that it generates there wouldbe no warmth, and if life managed too somehow exist all would be blind and groping in the dark. It is no surprise that the Sun would be revered ad regarded as at least an emissary or even avatar of the Most High God. But is it more than a very obvious and convenient symbol? Could it be that our very consciousness comes to us on the rays of the sun, just as literally everyone, everywhere, used to believe? Yes. Yes it could be. In fact, it is a near certainty. tonight, we will take a hard look at this

I have spent my life studying and seeking answers, or at least insight, into the nature and source of consciousness. The extraordinarily ubiquitous consensus of the ancients dovetails with my own experience and conclusions. Along with the things that I will share that are drawn from study, I will share a few of my most interesting experiences with ritual magick and psychedelic experiences that are relevant to this topic.

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