Melbourne Memorial Day - Confrontation At the shrine - 22 09 2022 - Part 5 of 10

2 years ago

Memorial Day March makes their way to the shrine to pay their respects for / to those who have stood up in the name of freedom for Australia only to be stopped by corporate foreign mercenaries preventing the people from putting one foot onto the step with the threats of being arrested.

Foreign corporate mercenaries issuing threats of arrest and telling them to go and google the laws and refusing to answer the questions of what laws do they breach by stepping onto the step which the corporate foreign mercenaries themselves are standing on ( isnt that treasonous ?

dat rudd acting sergeant whispering so quiet that you literally need to be so close to it in order to hear what that foreign corporate mercenary vic pol person is saying.

dat rudd caught in what appears to be dat deception creating fake laws when questioned about his statements, it was unable to state or recall or know any rules or laws or acts or statue that it was accusing Memorial Day observers of breaking and threatening with arrest, but only stating that coming to the shrine to pay your respects to those who have fought for Australia is an offence to vic pol.

dat caught in his own deceptions holds his face down in shame, silent in not able to answer a single question put to him about his affirmations and in shame it walks away.

When asked is there any reference that they could look up, dat is silent because there is nothing and its all bogus and he knows he has been caught out lying to the Memorial Day Observers ?

You can see dat is desperately looking for an out and assistance from other evil wicked criminals who are wearing the same costume as it is.

So this means ( according to vic pol reasoning ) every single man - woman and child that is anywhere around the shrine at any day of the week, or on ANZAC day or on the 11/november are all committing an offence and are open to being arrested by vic pol.

By dats own words dat and its other foreign mercenaries are breaking the same rule / law / statue or whatever that he is accusing others of, thereby it and all of its other corporate foreign mercenaries vic pol should arrest themselves and put themselves in jail for doing what they are accusing the Memorial Day observers of.

dat rudd & s.davis low life treasonous pieces of garbage.

Yet other people of the public are allowed up behind where the vic pol is looking down upon the vic pol scum restricting Memorial Day observers to go to where the other members of the general public are already standing at.

Corporate foreign mercenaries are allowed onto the step but not those who have fought for this country in the very wars which the shrine commemorates, nor the people of this land who were born here and their own families who have fought for this country are also not permitted on the steps without the threat of being arrested by the corporate foreign mercenaries vic pol.

Whenever asked what offence is it to step onto the very step the corporate foreign mercenaries are standing on, the answer was to go away and google it or if you do come here or stay here you will be arrested as you are creating an offence by merely just being there.

foreign corporate mercenary s.davis senior sergeant who likes to push people down stairs says it is closing the shrine and therefore not allowing others where she itself is standing.

s davis with the same type of questions just tells the Memorial Day observers to "go and research it" the things it is accusing them of breaching, yet while it has the papers in its claws, it refuses to tell anyone what rule or act or anything it is accusing people of breaching.
It only says "go and research it"
It also says "you not allowed to" yet pauses and not say what they what it is that they are "not allowed to".
Could that be because it has no authority and they were not breaching anything or breacking any laws or acts or statutes or anything, and it could not come up with a single thing to say ? yet it would not tell the Memorial Day observers what to research, not what law or act they were supposedly breaching. just like dat, s. davis fails utterly and disgraceful in its duties.
s.davies can not come up with a fake offence to accuse the people of.

By what non corporate entity / government organisation does it think it has the actual authority and right to close the shrine when it is a foreign corporation which has no right in law to make or enforce any "law".
It said "we gonna close the shrine", not that "we have closed the shrine" or "we had already closed the shrine", meaning a future tense, meaning it had not as yet closed the shrine, thereby at the time evil corporate foreign mercenaries were talking and restricting access to the steps to the shrine - the shrine itself had not as of yet been closed, thereby it was restricting the access to the shrine when it was still already open, as by definition "we gonna close the shrine" is future and not present.

Yet never had anyone said they want to go in the shrine but to the shrine. so even if the shrine itself was closed - which it wasn't by their own definition. that would not prevent others from going up to the shrine itself, evil wicked hypocrite criminal.

Criminals On Patrol continue to lie and falsely accuse people of things that are not true, treasonous.

Yet many others who do not have their permits or permissions and who are not apart of the Memorial Day March are 100% freely allowed to walk ALL OVER the place without any restrictions - Double Standards.

Yet if you go around the corner, you are allowed to go up the other steps and then walk around and go to where you were prevented from going to.
Then see another low life scum treasonous peter scott pso senior with a double standard, who also has the same symbol as vic pol.
peter scott also has absolutely no respect for those who come to commemorate those who have stood up to defend Australia, even though it claims his father fought in battle.
Imagine the absolute utter disgrace peter scott's father would have for his son to have his own son peter scott betray his own fathers memory and what his own father fought for, and the absolutely disgracefully behaviour and actions and views peter scott his own son is doing / saying and holding to.

Then seeing from above the evil foreign mercenaries vic pol leave the steps which they prevented people from stepping onto.

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