Conservative Host DEBASES Himself Sucking Up To Idiot Eric Trump

2 years ago

Clay "Not-Afraid-Of-Monkeypox" Clark pathetically strokes Eric Trump's ego in the most humiliating way possible.

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Eric Trump went on Clay Clark Show. it's some conservative commentator. Bradley, can you give me some context on this? well well so clay Clark is a yeah he's one of the heads of like the awaken America Tour things. like him General Flynn and Eric Trump with like a kind of then a traveling event circuit around the country. but he's like an Oklahoma religious zealot who has a talk show. but this woman Amanda Grace that he's with also is like another evangelist commentator. She is like the owner of an animal sanctuary. And she's like really really religiously fervent. In some of these clips, I watched like 40 minutes of this two times speed. It wasn't that much time. You can hear birds squawking in the background of her upper shot while she's holding prayer. but that's some background. It was like what show Eric Trump decided to like to join last week to talk about his, you know, to talk about his upbringing. And how people don't really misunderstand people really misunderstand him right? they were not snobs. they were not wealthy. they were essentially just regular folks. you know not flying first class please please sometimes Eric Trump would fly business class or even coach. when he was working construction under his parents. Now my guess is that the construction is just like flying to different Trump properties around the world and pointing at things. but this is just like a good glimpse into how these uber-wealthy kids have to justify their existence and pretend like no they don't didn't get here just because of Daddy. and this is a bit of a longer clip but I think it's worth it. because this is just Clay Clark prefacing this by just being like you are so awesome. for like two minutes straight. American people see that. Amanda a slight slight rant here but before all this reawakened America to her stuff. You know I used to Keynote a lot of small business events. okay? and a lot of times you'll have a very small business where you'll have a very excited owner who insists on flying private. and he won't talk to anybody behind the scenes. I've seen this so many times. I would go off to speak at a small business event and there's a guy with, you know, 20 employees or less who insists on flying on a private jet. and he will not shake the hands of other people. He will avoid them because he is awesome in his mind.

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