Ham on Ry... an - part 1

2 years ago

Ryan Dawson, that is, and as a followup on recent videos I take a quick look at a Dawson conversation with Scott Horton from 2020 when they stumble into the Jewish question related to Phil Giraldi, and that leads into a discussion Dawson had with Scott Ritter last summer framed around Ukraine. The matter here is how people who are JQ-aware manage conversations with those who are not, and how they may even bury their awareness because of financial concerns.

I view Dawson as someone who has been kind of slippery for a long time, who doesn't really have the courage of his convictions, and perhaps increasingly so. He is also someone with limited JQ-awareness - he absolutely sees it regarding foreign policy and neoconservatism, at least regarding 9/11 and ME wars (my jury is still out on Ukraine), he absolutely does not regarding economics, neoliberalism and free-market capitalism (Austrian and Chicago Schools), and he's a half-and-halfer on cultural Marxism, all in on that regarding racism and homophobia but seemingly not regarding immigration and feminism. He also very much identifies on the right side of the spectrum, and generally takes an "us vs. them" viewpoint. So what can you really trust?

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