Nazis in the Ukraine? I did Nazi that coming…

2 years ago

UPDATE: Video is back on. I had to remove The Guardian's segment about the "children's camp", as it was blocked for copyright reasons, but you may still be able to watch it here:
This is all material from the Western media a few years back. Now the same media is telling us that this thing about “Ukrainian Nazis" is just a myth or Russian propaganda. Whatever. I’m not necessarily against healthy forms of nationalism, but these paramilitary Ukrainian neo-Nazi organizations (supported by the "democratic" US and Canada!) are criminal. And to me it doesn't even make much sense, as it is Slavs against Slavs, and Ukrainians against other Ukrainians. Weirdly, while the West basically outlaws nationalism in Western countries, they support its worst forms in the Ukraine… Was Putin wrong to talk about “Denazification”?

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