USD and EURO Merger: II

2 years ago

It's at a $1 to 1 Euro in value! = Stability
= Reducing: chance of war, corruption & global poverty.

The problem when the dollars drops below the Euro, although it has more Intl. buying power
& is stronger than the Euro, it still creates instability on world markets, like Mexico to the Usa.
Instability leads to quality loss, of products supplied, and corruption in those countries. As well as loss of allies.
You can buy property cheaper, but conversion fees still are hefty & property purchase process can be too sketchy for a lot of people when it's in another currency.
Also, the currencies with the decreased valuation (1.5 euro to 1 dollar) would not buy products from the USA anymore due to the expensive cost.
So, the USA will lose its Export businesses, if it's not stabilized, and increases in value
(.85usd =1.5euro.= No USA exporting to Europe)

1) Profitable business instead of: payment delays & cancellations.
2) Currency strength
3) Only 1 business receiving dept. required as an Intl center.
instead of 2 branches run in different countries & currencies.

ie., 1 in the EU, and they then ship direct to their branches in the USA.

Easier for Intl. businesses:
Only 1 import moment for Intl business outside of the USA & EU, instead of 2.
It removes a major import/export border within the USA & EU also.

Intl. businesses shipping to the USA or EU:
import ship to : |USA| ship to :|EU| "difficult & costly"
import ship to : |USA and/or EU| "easier & less expensive"

from the USA or EU: to the USA or EU:
shipments within the zone : |USA or EU| "easier & less expensive"

4) Eco Sailing Ships, waiting longer for them to arrive is worth it for the planet.
5) Recycling Metal Cars into housing panels. 4'x8'

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