Planned Chaos - Financial War: Power, Corruption

2 years ago

In this episode from the “Planned Chaos” series from Prepare For Change we examine the origins of the global central bank system, Babylonian money magic, and the orchestrated global financial crash that is occurring around the developed world. If there are no coincidences, then who's behind this and what is driving the occult corruption? Who's really behind the central banks and what families control them.

Prepare for Change is rereleasing these deep dive videos in 2022 as we near the brink of systemic collapse of the old order with the original corresponding disclosure articles on Upon reviewing the rereleased material, the theme and research holds true and was very accurate in foretelling the Planned Chaos in the world since 2020. With a top-level approach that revealed obscure facts and connects all of the current events to each other. The topics covered focused on the coordinated race riots, arsonists, and eco-terrorists, exposing the swamp, who's behind the dark brotherhood, how the election will be engineered, and how they are all a distraction aimed at setting the stage for the Great Reset.

What drives their madness? What are they trying to achieve? How does it all tie together? How does it tie into the battle between good and evil? We will answer these questions and show how is there a covert war that’s busting out to the surface.

Prepare For Change facilitates the creation of the new Cosmic Society by connecting people while providing information and guidance on raising their frequency of consciousness to assist in their ascension.

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