UFO Sighting by RAF Pilot Terry Johnson & navigator Geoffrey Smythe 1953

2 years ago

Very interesting UFO case from November 1953 in which two RAF flight officers, Terry Johnson and Geoffrey Smythe, witness 'a very bright, shiny object which resembled a doughnut' whilst flying their Vampire Jet aircraft over South East England - according to reports, the object moved at speed to the left-hand side of the aircraft and then sped away, it's also stated that the object did not appear on the Vampire's radar monitor but was confirmed on army ground radar in the same area of sky to which the sighting occurred.

The incident received a lot of media attention at the time and there are more newspaper clippings and pilot interviews at the links below - the case is also briefly covered here in Timothy Good's book 'Need to know: UFOs, the Military, and Intelligence'.


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