Japan Just Kicked Off Global Treasury Dump

2 years ago

Japan Just Kicked Off Global Treasury Dump

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It's happening… maybe. Japan might have just started the global treasury liquidation. We've been talking a little bit on this channel recently about how the United States Treasury is the foundation of the entire global financial system.

But what happens when you build your house on a foundation of sand? Eventually the house comes crumbling down, and the way that starts in the financial system is by the world getting rid of Treasuries.

Japan has historically been one of the largest treasury holders. They have not been buying them recently. And now, because of the problems in their currency, they've intervened to stop the collapse of their currency. And they may have just started at the beginning of the end of the current global financial system.

0:00 Video Overview
0:52 Intro
1:00 Japan Bonds Face Liquidity Stress
2:32 Japan Intervenes to Stop Yen Slide
5:46 Japan Starts Dumping US Treasuries
10:39 Outro

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#TreasuryDump #Japan #Yen

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