The Story That Will Save Our Nation!!! End Abortion! Send Revival to America!

2 years ago

For years, a prayer movement led by Lou Engle has impacted our nation in a big way, and many in this movement have felt so spiritually provoked over the issue of abortion.

Of course, in our secular society which has framed this debate as merely the removal of a fetus to support women’s rights, many don’t see what the issue is all about.

However, when one embraces a wholistic worldview that combines the metaphysical (or spiritual) realm, with the physical realm, it would become apparent that our spiritual impact on our surroundings have a much greater affect than most people realize.

This group has had the spiritual eyes and foresight to see that if our spiritual and moral slide continues as a nation (which is reflected in how we treat the most vulnerable among us, and other sins), our impending destruction would be certain. Therefore, they have led prayer rallies throughout the United States in order to thwart that destruction.

Our nation seems to be aware now more than ever that we are not as secure as we once felt, and the current nuclear threat of hostile nations who are already at war around the world has highlighted our recent vulnerability.

These situations, for me have felt so surreal, as I previously created a video back in 2020 based on the prophetic words of Kim Clement, which highlighted all these realities before these things even started to occur.

Check out that video here:

In that video I talked about the threat of Russia and the Muslim nations going against the United States and Israel before the Ukraine and the Israel Hamas war even began. Furthermore, I talked about the overturning of Roe v Wade when the idea of that seemed like an impossibility.

Later, when I added updates to that original video to show how the things I discussed were starting to come into place, I felt God lead me in a greater understanding of the stadium visions of revival that people talked about for years. So, as I added videos throughout, he led me to make the connection between the call of repentance that Kim Clement prophesied, and the story of Horton Hears a Who that Lou Engle has often shared.

Check out that video here:

Could it be that in our day we may share the same fate with the who-s, and that if we call out for forgiveness and repentance we can be spared from impending destruction?

In this video, I share 2 main points regarding our impending national crisis.

1: Our protection as a nation comes from our righteousness and relationship with God, and if we turn from that, we lose that protection. The globalists are actually aware of this principle, and in order to cause the United States to fall, they have been pushing immorality upon our nation, with the goal of having it collapse to then set up a global order which they would rule over. However, if we turn from our sins through repentance, God will again protect our nation. According to the prophetic words, this appears to be the direction that we will go 

2: Horton Hears a Who: Was a story that kept popping up in this prayer movement as Lou Engle describes, and he shared that just as the voices of the unborn most have people call out for their protection, we too as a society most cry out to over turn this abominable practice.

When I originally created the video with the prophetic message for our time, the idea of overturning Roe v. Wade seemed so far-fetched, but yet it happened at a federal level. Now, with this decision left to the states, it will soon be time for everyone to call out for the ending of abortion, a call to revival, repentance from our sins, and prayer to God for protection upon our land.

I encourage you join us in this movement by following Lou Engle’s page, and Bound4Life: Go to

Also go to the link here for the introduction to my book, and hopefully an update on a release date for it:

Description written February 28, 2024

Click here to see the other videos on my channel:

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