Dr Peter McCullough - Q&A section

2 years ago

00:04 Tell us about your personal and professional transformation?
01:54 What is the latest findings on infertility and miscarriages in USA?
04:15 What are the latest findings on myocarditis and sudden death in children?
08:20 Is "shedding" real?
09:31 What was the most important point in your personal journey since covid started?
12:40 What can we do to help ourselves and our community?
15:59 What can those who had a vaccine do to help themselves?
17:34 Do covid vaccines, lockdowns and mandates have a geopolitical origin?
21:44 How to resist Klaus Schwab and his puppets moving in on us?
22:57 Your opinion on Australia doctors getting paid to talk encourage vaccines?
24:17 Is our blood supply safe?
26:21 Is there any evidence that covid vaccines can increase cancer risks?
27:39 Is there any evidence that the vaccine causes damage to our DNA?
30:00 Do you think it was a mistake or do you think it was intentional?
31:22 Are the protocols you recommended helpful to Australian elderly who had shots?
32:51 Should they have their vitamin D levels tested?
33:33 What do you think the purpose was of altering the viability/dosage of the vaccines?
35:29 Is there connection in growth of a variety of health conditions and vaccines?
38:19 Do you think that looking after our health is vital for our health sovereignty?
40:13 Is there a difference between usual blood clots and clots caused by vaccines?
41:45 Where can we find the slides you used for the presentation today?
43:22 How long is the covid saga likely to last?

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