We Must Free Ourselves from Our Straw Prisons

2 years ago

📍 On December sixth, 1273,

Three months before his death,

Thomas Aquinas stopped writing.

The final installment of his vast library of commentary, the Summa Theologica, lay unfinished on the desk.

You see, THAT day, God reintroduced Himself to Thomas, Personally,

And in such a deeply profound way that he had to simply stop and take it all in.

His friend and secretary, Reginald, encouraged him to continue his writing.

Thomas told him, essentially that, "Compared to what has been revealed to me, everything I have written is worthless straw.

I can't write another word."

We have taken what he himself called "worthless straw" and built centuries of theology on it.

We MUST free ourselves from our straw prisons. God is bigger than our theology.

Free us from our straw prisons.
God is bigger than your theology.
Read that again.

#theology #christian #hermeneutics #doyourownhomework #biblestudy #befree #jesus #god #love #reading

00:00 Straw Prisons

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