The Democrat party are the Nazi party!!

2 years ago

The Nazis were awful people and they did terrible things, Hitler met with former WW1 German soldiers and was angry that Germany lost and they had nothing so he rose to power and started a movement called the Nazis, at first they broke riots up but then started attacking Jews, communist's and anyone not like them, they then put signs up like no Jews allowed!! Broke into Jewish bakeries, arrested anyone not like them, Jewish kids were no longer allowed in German schools, kids could not play with anyone not part of the German race, it got worse after that, the Nazis started going after everyone who did not support the Nazis!! Bonhoeffer spoke against Hitler and the Nazis and he was arrested and killed, Corrie ten boom was to, innocent families were sent to Nazi death camps, they ripped the families apart and men and boys were put in one death camp and women and girls sent to another, babies and toddlers were killed, the Nazis burned books to, anything offended the Nazis they got rid of, hmm sounds like the Democrats party, we will get rid of all books that offend us, your kids will learn what we want them to learn, we will call the police on a 4 year old who doesn't have a mask on at all, we will raid the Amish because they threaten our Nazi order, sorry you can't work here you don't have a mask on or the vaccine, sorry your kids can't be around my kids we all got the vaccine and you are dangerous and threat, the Democrats are Nazis!!!

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