Magical Moors - A Mysterious World Full of Life

2 years ago

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Eerie and menacing, yet hauntingly beautiful and highly evocative. The rugged Moor landscape has long fuelled our imagination, inspiring artists and poets, evoking images both terrifying and deeply romantic. It’s a land of contrasts. Wide open heaths, windswept and barren in winter, are transformed into wonderful carpets of white, fluffy cotton grass in summer. Large bears and wolves roam alongside delicately fluttering butterflies, the bubbling calls of black grouse and the enchanting trills of the great snipe.

Moors, bogs and wetlands can be found all over in Europe. Everyone has at least heard about this habitat but most know little about it. Only 1% of the Middle European wetlands are still untouched. A gigantic amount of carbohydrate is stored inside these wetlands. But knowing about this fact does not stop their destruction. Climate change and global warming are on everyone’s mind – stopping the destruction of moors and wetlands would be one great step towards the reduction of greenhouse gases.
This film shows the beauty and the magic inside the moors and its message is clear :”Save and protect our last moors and wetlands”

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