你的敌人离撒旦比你离神更近吗?(WarningThePeople)Is your enemy Closer to Satan than You to God?

2 years ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/8ts5ojR-mzM

2022年9月23日 Originally Posted by WarningThePeople

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/warningthepeople


成为上帝的儿女真是莫大的祝福。 如果我们与天父有正确的关系,他就会听我们的祷告,并回应我们。 经上说,上帝使万事互相效力,使那些爱上帝,就是上帝按自己的旨意呼召的人得益处。 能顺利地走在上帝的国里的关键是要非常靠近耶稣基督。 每天你都要穿上上帝所赐的全副军装,向他祈求圣灵的恩膏,背起你的十字架,被他的声音引导带领,而不是靠你自己的想象或感觉,不是靠你自己的智慧,不是靠你自己的心,而是被上帝的灵引导。 耶稣基督是活着的,他知道如何带领和引导他的儿女。 如果你想得到保护免遭魔鬼的侵害,你想在属灵的战斗中获胜,唯一的办法就是紧紧依靠耶稣基督。 你与耶稣的关系要比你的敌人与撒旦的关系更亲密。 很多人非常忠于撒旦,他们知道如何攻击基督徒,他们知道如何伤害他们,他们知道如何把他们带入地狱。 很多基督徒离上帝很远,因为撒旦的爪牙更强大,他们能够攻击上帝的儿女。

但是,如果你想要免遭侵害,你想以智取胜击败撒旦是不可能的,你做不到。 魔鬼并不害怕你或我,但撒旦的确害怕上帝,他害怕活着的上帝,因为他知道上帝可以(而且会)把他送进地狱。 我们也必须惧怕上帝,如果我们与他亲近,他会保护我们,他会带领我们,他会引导我们,他告诉我们敌人来自哪里,当我们知道敌人从哪个角度攻击我们时,我们知道如何举起我们的盾牌,我们知道如何刺出我们的剑。 我们得到了保护,因为我们有超自然的指引。 如果我们与耶稣的关系比我们的敌人与他们的父魔鬼的关系更亲密,我们就会战胜。 要确保你与主正站在一起,这样你就能像战士一样展开战斗,胜过这个世界。 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

Is Your Enemy Closer to Satan than You to God?
It truly is a blessing to be a child of God. If we are in right relationship with our Father in heaven He hears our prayers and He answers us. It is written that all things work together for good for those who know God, and who are called according to His purpose. The key to walking with success in the Kingdom of God is to be very close to Jesus Christ. Every day you are putting on the full armor of God, you are asking Him for the anointing of the Holy Spirit, you are taking up your cross and you are being led by His voice, not by your own imagination or feelings, not by your own wit, not by your own heart, but being led by the Spirit of God. Jesus Christ is ALIVE and He knows how to lead and guide His children. If you want protection from the demons and you want to overcome in the spiritual battle, the only way to do it is to say very close with Jesus Christ. You need to be closer with Jesus than your enemies are with Satan. There are a lot of people who are VERY loyal to Satan, and they know how to attack Christians, they know how to wound them, they know how to bring them down to hell. A lot of Christians are FAR away from God, and because Satan’s agents are stronger, they are able to attack the children of God. But if you want protection, it doesn’t happen with you being able just to outwit the devil, you aren’t going to do that. The devil doesn’t fear you or me, but Satan does fear GOD, he is terrified of the LIVING GOD because He knows GOD can (and WILL) send him to HELL. We also have to fear God, and if we say close with Him, He protects us, He leads us and He guides us and He shows us where our enemy is coming from, that away, when we know which angle our enemy is coming from, we know how to put up our shield, we know how to thrust in our Sword. We are protected because we have supernatural guidance. If we are CLOSER with Jesus than our enemy is to their father the devil, WE WILL OVERCOME. Make sure that you are in right standing with Jesus Christ, that way you can fight as a soldier and overcome this world. May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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