#6 Hook Ice Dub Wooly Bugger with Silli Legs

2 years ago

These days, the Wooly Bugger fly pattern is more a style of tying than a specific pattern. Below, I’ve made some notes on the general materials you’ll need to tie the fly.

Hook: Traditionally, the Wooly Bugger is tied on a 2X or 3X long shank hook. This means that the shank is very long. If you’re trying to imitate a nymph or can’t get hold of a long-shanked hook, that’s fine. Just make sure that the hook is strong.
Marabou: One or two feathers will be sufficient. You can also use two different colors.
Flash: This is completely optional. In Wooly Buggers I use on my local streams I use no flash.
Hackle: In the video I used a good quality grizzly hackle. You can use various colors or qualities of hackle. On smaller flies I don’t hackle the entire body, I prefer a small hackle just behind the head of the fly.
Body: The body of the fly can be constructed with various materials. The easiest and quickest is chenille. But you can use dubbing, or even some left-over marabou if you want to match the exact same color as the tail.
Weight: Although the traditional pattern is unweighted, you can add weight to influence the fly’s sink rate and action. Options are a lead underbody and brass or tungsten beads.
Head Cement: To finish off the fly, apply a thin layer of head cement. This adds durability to the fly.

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