Fulfilling Our Civic Duties to Support Righteous Government

2 years ago

https://www.heartscenter.org - Sharon Wallace speaks on Fulfilling Our Duties to Support Righteous Government, one of three presentations during The Hearts Center 2022 Autumn Equinox Prayer Vigil Safeguarding Our Spiritual Heritage and Rights Now! Livestreamed from Livingston, Montana. Sharon shares that we have civic and sacred responsibilities when it comes to supporting righteous government and that we are required to use our perfect discernment when making decisions regarding voting, being engaged, and supporting those who serve in government. She emphasizes the requirement for us to pray for honest leadership, for ethics and leadership training for the youth, and the importance of teaching children about God. She shares about The League of Iroquois, native Americans, whose political tenets contained in The Great Law of Peace were the forerunners of the founding principles of the United States of America.
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