Why Is 9/11 Still Important to You? | Give Your Answer Below

2 years ago

This video debuted at the “Forbidden Truth” symposium on September 9, 2022 (https://youtu.be/LysEuI92t7M).

It features a small sampling of the nearly 900 activists who wrote in to AE911Truth to share their thoughts on why the mission of 9/11 Truth still matters as much as ever.

Today, we’re happy to present “Why is 9/11 Still Important to You?” in a standalone format so you can watch it and share it as an inspiring reminder of why, together, we continue to fight for this vital cause.

We hope the video will serve as a living and breathing testament to the value of the 9/11 Truth movement’s work.

We invite you to continue the dialogue in the comment section of the video by adding your answer to the question posed in the piece: Why is 9/11 still important to you?

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