Our Lady Undoer of Knots

2 years ago

Today on "Catholic Drive Time":

Friday September 23, 2022 - Memorial of Saint Pius of Pietrelcina

Got an impossible situation? Have you asked Our Lady Undoer of Knots to help? Sylvia Dorham joins us!
And – What is going on?
Russia Mass Exodus? & Iran – Protests and Calls for regime change?

Also – Dave Palmer – Back to the Father
The hierarchy and grades of the Angels and why we should care about them

Quick News -
162 Researchers From Top US Nuclear Facility are now Working for China.
Texas Governor Designates Mexican Cartels as Terrorist Organizations
The Teachers Union in Ohio’s Hilliard City School District have given teachers there “safe space” badges with a QR code that leads to how-to guides on extreme sexual content.
Air Force tells cadets to use 'gender neutral language,' no more 'mom' and 'dad,' in diversity training

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What’s Concerning Us –
Iran – Death of 22 year old – Massa Amenee murdered by Morality Police (Father – Amjhad 1:21 – 2:07)
- Protests - Women burning their hijab’s and cutting their hair in protest
Now in 80 cities
23 people dead so far

Russia – Mobilization by Putin – Not bluffing
- Protests across Russia
- Arrests
- Men are fleeing in droves
- MOSTLY ethnics from the far East are being called up. NOT from Moscow

Guest Seg. Sylvia Dorham – Our Lady, Undoer of Knots -
Sylvia Dorham is a wife and homeschooling mother of ten. She is a Byzantine Catholic and lives in the greater DC area with the younger children still at home. Her "Monks" series of children’s books are also available from TAN Books.
My new children's title from TAN Books is called Our Lady, Undoer of Knots and is designed to remind parents and children about the help readily available to us when we ask Our Lady for her help and intercession.

Questions/talking points:
Who is Our Lady, Undoer of Knots?
Backstory of the book
Backstory of the illustrator
Tips for teaching the Faith in ways kids remember
Why remembering the Faith by heart matters

2nd Guest Seg. - Dave Palmer – Back to the Father -
The hierarchy and grades of the Angels and why we should care about them

Joe Social Media
IG: @TheCatholicHack
Twitter: @Catholic_Hack
Facebook: Joe McClane
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Rudy Social Media
IG: @ydursolrac
Youtube: Glad Trad Podcast

Adrian Social Media
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