#Sing4Freedom 8-8-22

2 years ago

On January 6, 2020, I, Joseph Thomas, attended President Trump’s address in DC. Afterward, I headed to the Capitol where I soon noticed something was not quite right. I decided to stick around and get video of the event and attempt to stop any violence. I spent the day doing just that, including turning over boxcutters I found to USSS and a baton to the Capitol Police. I also defended an elderly man on the ground who was bleeding from the head and being beaten by police. I never entered the Capitol building, never struck anyone, and only defended myself from unwarranted blows to my head and back. And I got it all on video.

Weeks later, I was made aware that my picture appeared on the FBI’s Most Wanted List posted on Facebook. As a result, I sought legal counsel who advised me to let them find me themselves. Soon afterward, I began noticing signs I was being surveilled. I was working in Alabama at the time. Early one morning in April 2020, when leaving my hotel for work, I was caught off guard with a flash bang grenade and shouts by federal agents to get down. I fully cooperated, immediately dropping to my knees. While complying with all their demands, they collected clothing and electronic devices from my hotel room. After my arrest, I was released on my own recognizance on bond. I was one of the fortunate ones. I knew this and knew God wanted me out for a reason.

Aside from being able to continue to support my wife, four children, and father-in-law, who lives with us on hospice, I felt there was another purpose for my freedom, albeit limited due to bond restraints. Then, when I saw video of the DC political prisoners singing the anthem from their cells, I heard my calling. I decided that a peaceful protest calling Americans to sing the National Anthem nightly in solidarity with the Jan. 6 hostages was the mission God was calling me to start. I call this campaign #Sing4Freedom and hope it will spread across the country with people sharing their videos via social media and that hashtag. Why did I go to the Capitol on January 6, 2020? I did it for Old Glory.

Meanwhile, the court asks for 60 day continuances at each hearing as they seek evidence to convict on my now 10 federal indictments. I have a public defender but am truly in God's hands.

Please pray for me and my family and all of the J6 political prisoners, defendants and their families, and join in the peaceful protest #Sing4Freedom.

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