The Globalists's Obsession with 666 and why I will never bend my knee to Satan

2 years ago

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This video was posted on 25 May 2022:

When I first started Healing The Divide, it was also the start of an intense spiritual journey. I have hardly talked about it much as I had felt that my experience was personal and being a non religious and non-political platform that Healing the Divide is, I thought it best to keep it separate. However, the events in the past 10 months have convinced me that today, we are not not just fighting the WHO or WEF or Big Pharmas, we are also fighting principalities and dark forces and to win this battle, we need God to lead the way and we must always put Him first in all that we do.

I say this as I have personally experienced persecution and have seen the power and glory of God in my life, how He has protected me and kept me safe when I was in the Lion’s Den and I want to share with you the power of God and I want to give you hope that you are never ever alone. God is here for us. He sees everything and knows your heart, your struggles and your fears. Have faith. Trust in Him and let Him lead the way.

Yesterday morning, I woke up with a vision from God which He showed me. He said that he will start to descend like a dove to the people of Singapore and many people will be healed. Those who are vaccine injured, those who have been hurt by the mandates and what has happened to this country in the past 2 years, he wants to come and take away our pain. He wants us to return to him, to return to Love and to remember who we are: children of God.

So this Saturday 28th May 2022, I’m opening another slot, from 1230p.m to 2p.m for the Christians and those who are open to the Christian prayer to gather and pray for those who are sick, those we wish to seek forgiveness and for Singapore. You are welcome to bring your friends and loved ones for this and I’m also looking for prayer warriors who will come and support the people who will be receiving healing from the Holy Spirit.

So my dear friends, I send you this Good News now. God will start to move in a big way in Singapore and he will make the paths straight again. He will rise up many brave and courageous people and He will expose the lies of the Globalists and their 666. He loves the people of Singapore and He did not abandon or forget us.

While many people have fled and left the country, we at Healing the Divide are still here for you. This is our country, this is our home and we will defend it and stand up for God. We are the Lion City and we will roar because God will remove the fear in our hearts and He will be the one who will Heal the Divide in this country.

HTD 2.0 is to let go and Let God because together we are stronger. Love will always triumph over hate. God will always win. Always. And this is the Good News that our Lord wants me to share with you today.

To read more, go to

Iris Koh.
Healing the Divide

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