2 years ago

Notice that supercap is not directly connected to battery, but to output of asymmetric motor / generator or L2 on diagram. Remember also this „inductors” or machine rotor coils L1 – L2 are in constant swapping, rotating around red line rotor axis. So, L1 gets charged by battery, then „becomes ” L2, dumping its reverse charges (radiant energy ) or collapse currents to supercap . Supercapacitor starts charging, but spending some of that charge into energizing L2 , assisting acceleration of machine. This acceleration result in faster charging of supercapacitor . The residual energy from L2 to L1 goes back to battery bank. This way battery and capacitor charge while acceleration increases . Batteries start on first run on 2,572 volts. After short rest batteries are now at 2,567 volts. We lost only 0,005V or 5 mV . Motor speed started 450 RPM’s above first test , or ( 5539 versus 5989 compared frames. 2-Batteries (V in ) raised from Vin first run = 1,421 to Vin from second run = 1,452 . This means motor consumption decreased. As amps decreased from 5,35 to 5,27 on respective tests . ) . Resuming… : After a first „full throat” run, motor reached 12622 RPM’s . Vin raised from 1,426 to 1,710 ( deducing battery voltage minus Vin ) started using 1,246 volts ( 2,672 – 1,426 ) ended using 0,962 volts (2,672 – 1,710 ). Supercap charged from zero to 0,905 V , and after a short rest, batteries only lost 0,006 Volts or 6 mV .

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