6-Hour Canned Heat by Ready Hour

2 years ago

Ready Hour 6-Hour Canned Heat

Get yours here: https://mypatriotsupply.com/products/camp-heat-and-cooking-fuel

Propane stoves and fire starters are great—but they’re not safe for indoor cooking, and that’s where most people spend their time during an emergency.

It’s why every household needs a big supply of indoor cooking fuel.

And for that, there is nothing better than Ready Hour 6-HourCanned Heat. Preppers swear by it for a reason:

Proven safe for indoor use – It burns clean with odorless, smokeless, and nontoxic fumes.
Spill-safe – Spilled glycol does not ignite. Try to light it . . . it will not catch fire without a wick.
Four-hour burn time – It's also super long lasting: approximately four hours burn time per can allows you to prepare several meals.
Keeps working as the years go by– lasts indefinitely. Use some now and save the rest for later; it will not affect shelf life.
Resealable – Leftover fuel can be re-used.
Easy fit for bug-out bags, drawers, etc. – 3.25 “circumference x 2.75” height.
Sized for folding camp stoves – Slides right into a camp stove for cooking over pots and pans.

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