Look at the new way to whiten teeth

2 years ago

Did you know the color of your teeth has a direct effect on your personal (and professional) relationships more than any other part of your appearance? To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

New studies show a whiter smile... gives you a 58% greater chance of being hired for your dream job.

And makes you 53% more likely to earn a generous salary.(1)

Not only that...

A recent survey found 96% of single men and women...

Call a white smile a “dealbreaker”... (2)

And those with whiter teeth are twice-as-likely to land a second date.

Maybe the most shocking is how according to a new study... white teeth can make you look up to 10 years younger... and 20% more attractive (3)

So it’s no surprise why teeth whitening treatments are a hot trend among Hollywood movie-stars... movers-and-shakers in the business world... social media influencers and the wealthy. To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

Because they’ve pieced together what maybe you haven’t yet...

Happiness, Attention, and better Health
And on this page I’m going to reveal a strange but simple 16-minute trick…

Now used by celebrities... health biohackers... even backed by Harvard Medical School and dozens of other credible Universities (4, 5)..

To powerwash years of coffee and red wine stains... plaque buildup... and difficult discoloration from smoking... right off your teeth.

WITHOUT expensive visits to the dentist... To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

Swishing around stinging mouthwashes or oil pulling...

Or wasting time with low-grade whitening kits that might get your teeth a couple shades lighter... but never give you the fully radiant smile you desire and deserve.

Which may sound kind of out-there and farfetched...

But that’s why in a minute I’ll share new research from Harvard University that reveals the REAL root cause of yellow teeth...

How it has nothing to do with your genetics...

And how 99% of treatments on the market…

Including whitening toothpastes, mouthwash, even clinical-grade procedures...

Do nothing to treat it. To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

And how starting right now, today...

You can whitewash your smile by treating it safely and effectively at the source... chemical free.

What you may love most about this fast whitening solution is that it’s 100% portable.

Meaning you can INSTANTLY double your chances of landing your dream job or getting a handsome pay raise by simply using this 16-minute whitening trick when driving to an interview or meeting…

Or you can use this technique as the finishing touch before a hot date or social event...

To almost guarantee you’ll get buzzworthy attention because your confidence and personality are radiating through your pearly white smile.

These perks were once reserved for men and women who could afford expensive dentist treatments...

A pricy set of veneers...

Or tooth-replacement surgery... To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

However— starting today you too can experience the same kind of shimmering smile...
And get an immediate leg-up on your social and financial status... without any kind of costly and in some cases— extreme measures. It won’t matter if you didn’t take care of your smile when you were younger…

Or you feel too embarrassed to schedule a visit with your dentist because you’re worried they’ll judge you... or make comments under their breath of how you shouldn’t have neglected your teeth all these years.

You won’t have to give up your favorite coffee drinks from Starbucks...

Sip wine through a straw...

Brush and rinse your teeth after every meal or anything like that...

In minutes you’ll feel like you’re putting a fresh coat of glossy white paint over a faded wall...

And enjoy a confident smile that looks brand new and lasts for years.

But before I reveal this fast-acting solution...

How it works... To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

And why it treats the REAL root cause of yellow teeth...

Let me quickly tell you who I am and why you should listen to me...

Hi. I’m Trina Felber.
I’m a wife, mother of three and a dental health and natural skincare expert.

I’ve been a nurse and CRNA or almost 33+ years... and I’m the author of the best-selling book, Beauty’s Dirty Secret…

I’m also the creator and owner of Primal Life Organics…

The premier all-natural dental care, health and beauty movement that’s...

Exposing The Dirty Little Secrets Of The Dental And Cosmetics Industry
And when I wanted to whiten my own smile...
I was shocked to find most teeth-whitening “solutions” on the market…

Like whitening toothpaste, mouthwashes, whitening pens, strips, and trays...

All contain bleaching agents packed with harmful chemicals and toxins... that do more harm to your smile and health.

And after three decades in the medical field— that really set off my radar.

So I made it my mission to find a 100% natural solution...

To treat yellow teeth at the source... To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

And quickly and safely boost your dental health for a stronger, cleaner and whiter smile that lasts.

It took a lot of research on our part…

But I truly believe...

We’ve Stumbled On A Natural Fix That Will Transform The Way People Whiten Their Teeth
See— most teeth whitening solutions only focus on “external yellowing”...
Which are the surface stains your teeth get over time from coffee… wine… juices and soft drinks.

Even healthy foods like strawberries, blueberries and pomegranates can strip away your shine and make your teeth look dull.

The American Dental Association (ADA) says that within 20-minutes of eating or drinking... bacteria from food and drink begin attacking the top layer of your teeth...

Also known as your enamel. (6)

When people hear this... To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

They make the mistake of brushing after every meal or using mouthwash...

However— according to The Mayo Clinic... brushing directly after you eat... also damages your enamel.(7)

So either way you spin it... you chip away at your tooth enamel... which causes your teeth to stain and lose its whiteness.

Which Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg
There’s another layer underneath your enamel…
Which is the REAL culprit behind yellow tinted teeth.

And goes completely ignored by most teeth whitening “solutions”...

And is likely the reason nothing you’ve tried in the past has given you the bright white smile or lasting results you’ve been searching for.
Instead your teeth may only get a shade or two lighter — but never seem to get that full white smile that grabs attention.

Plus— most whitening products you’re likely using are a danger to your health. To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

Because even the most trusted and popular whitening strips and kits contain toxic chemicals. Including the...

Same Chemicals Found In Commercial Floor Cleaners!(8)

That were also used in 1871 to treat STDs like gonorrhea and herpes...
You don’t really want to put those same chemicals into your mouth, do you?

Not only is that gross...

But as a nurse I’ll tell you that it’s downright dangerous.

See— doctors call your mouth the gateway to your body (9).

Your gums are full of blood vessels…

And once these toxins touch your gums…
Your blood vessels shuttle them around throughout your body like a taxi service.

Spreading toxins that disrupt your cells… To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

Accelerate the aging of your skin(10)...

And according to a recent publication in the journal, Free Radical Biology and Medicine...

Can raise your blood pressure and increase your risk of heart disease. (cite)

Brand new reports from the British Dental Journal…

Which is the official journal of the British Dental Association. Even shows...

Mouthwash Is Linked To
Oral Cancer Risk!(11)
Plus— the burning feeling you get using mouthwash...
Is a warning sign that the ingredients are dissolving into your gums, teeth (12)...

And disrupting the balance of good bacteria in your mouth.

And just like you need good bacteria for gut health...

You need good bacteria to support your oral microbiome to decrease the risk of common issues like cavities, gingivitis, and bad breath.

So the safest options are brushing your teeth with a natural toothpaste and flossing...

But while that can help keep your mouth clean… To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

It’s not enough to whiten your smile.

Neither are the common teeth-whitening treatments or kits you find in the aisle of your local convenience store...
Research from the Cochrane Oral Health's Information database in 2018 show most common whitening systems don’t work… (13)

And another study published in Operative Dentistry found nothing to support whitening mouthwash as a solution for tooth discoloration.(14)

So most of the solutions you may have tried are a waste of time and money.

But the good news is these tactics are not your only option.

You can get a Hollywood white smile you love… without putting anything toxic in your mouth… or risking oral cancer... or wasting your time and money.

In fact... the strange trick I have for you right now is the...

The ONLY Way To Whiten Your Teeth
Without Toxic Chemicals... To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

This trick takes care of the WHOLE problem of teeth yellowing... and doesn’t just fight external yellowing... but also — (and more importantly) — “internal yellowing.” See...

Underneath the top layer of your teeth is a layer called dentin...

Here’s how dentin causes yellowing of your teeth...

When your enamel wears down... it becomes “see-through”.

So you start to see the color of the dentin layer underneath.

When you were younger… this dentin layer was a light yellow or brown… and it was hardly noticeable because your enamel was healthy.

But unfortunately… dentin gets darker with age. And…

The darker the dentin gets and the thinner your enamel becomes…

The More Discolored Your Teeth Appear
Unlike enamel — which wears down from external factors like sugar and acids — dentin wears down from internal causes like bacteria, trauma and plaque.

Until recently— it was impossible to keep from happening.

However— new research has found a special kind of “reversal treatment”... that whitens internal yellowing.

No other whitening system or strip out there can do this. Which is why they’ve likely left you disappointed in the past.

Because they completely miss the yellowing underneath the surface. And strictly focus on surface stains. To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

It’s Like Slapping A Single Layer Of Cheap White Paint On A Brick House…

Not only does the “brick layer” show through...

But all it takes is a few heavy storms to wash it away until the brick shows more and more through the white paint.

… And then you have to put on another expensive coat just to try and hide the layer underneath.

But that shouldn’t surprise you... To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

Because teeth whitening industry giants are really only interested in making a profit off you.

I’m not a conspiracy theorist by any means...

But do you really think the massive oral care industry wants to give you a permanent solution for white teeth?

It would blow a massive hole in their 33.4 Billion dollar industry(15).

Why else would they create cheap whitening products pumped full of toxic chemicals… that don’t actually whiten your teeth long term?

Is it because they don’t know about internal AND external yellowing?

Well— I highly doubt that. Their whole livelihood revolves around teeth. And they probably have access to more studies than the rest of us.

It’s likely because they want to keep their hand on your wallet... and keep you coming back for more.

When you connect the dots... it’s no mystery as to what’s going on.

But the biggest shock... To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

A Brand New 2019 Study Found Whitening
Strips Damage Tooth Dentin!(16)
Which means these fake solutions ruin your smile over time.

Researchers found the hydrogen peroxide concentration in the popular whitening strips wears down dentin quickly…

Which makes your teeth darker and less appealing.

Now… most people will turn their backs on these strips once the word gets out… and try to beat the system and search for “home remedies” to whiten their teeth.

But listen… To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

Home remedies like baking soda and peroxide… apple cider vinegar… or oil pulling won’t do the trick.

Because none of these treatments deal with the dentin layer of the tooth.

But there is a solution that not only restores and whitens tooth enamel… and wipes away surface stains like a microfiber on a dirty window…

But it also repairs the dentin layer of your teeth… removes hidden plaque and bacteria that are making your smile dull…

Almost like a full-blown whitening detox… without any dangerous or gross-tasting chemicals.

Plus— it’s completely natural... backed by science… and works so quickly and easily you’ll have a stronger, healthier and whiter smile in less than 16-minutes.

This solution doesn’t just give you a glowing smile for a few days or hours… but for a lifetime!
To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

The trick is found in a special Red LED light frequency that treats an aging smile and gives it a kind of “youthful healing power” that makes...

Years Of Brown And Yellow Stains Vanish In Just Minutes

Now... you’ve maybe heard of Blue LED light to whiten teeth...

And if you haven’t— I’ll get to more on that in a minute...

But first, let me tell you what Red Light does that Blue Light can’t.

Red light heals the dentin layer of your teeth...

It’s the ONLY LED light that does this. To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

Plus— Red LED light eliminates bacteria that cause “internal yellowing”... not just on your teeth… but in your gums, too.

It’s Like A Complete Mouth Detox!
So you won’t just get a whiter smile… but healthier teeth.

Several expensive trips to the dentist can’t clean your mouth like this Red Light can…

And I’m going to show you how you can use it from the privacy of your own home…

Without any poking or prodding that you’d get at the dentist.

But before I do… To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

There’s another benefit of this Red LED light treatment that puts it head and shoulders above other whitening systems out there.

Have you ever tried using whitening strips...

… and your gums and teeth hurt like crazy after? Or feel like they’re burning?

The reason is because your tooth enamel has worn down… and it can’t protect your dentin layer like it did when you were younger.

Which is why when you use other whitening agents… it stings.

Because the harsh chemicals and toxins are coming into contact with the sensitive dentin layer of your teeth. To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

That’s Where Red LED Light Treatment Comes To The Rescue…
Because it heals the dentin layer of your teeth and restores health to your gums… which eliminates sensitivity.

And this Red light is so gentle…

You won’t feel any pain whatsoever when you use it… even if you have really sensitive teeth right now.

See— the dentin layer of your teeth actually regenerates through a process called dentinogenesis.

Red light improves both the speed and effectiveness of this process… by boosting your “tooth metabolism”... and accelerating youthful healing.

To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

It also makes your teeth stronger and reduces inflammation in the gums.

Pretty amazing, right?

This Brand-New Red LED Light Research Proves You Can Get A Younger And Healthier Smile In Minutes
It’s really that easy...

And once that happens... you can use another color light...

A Blue LED Light — to get bright white teeth that make you LOVE smiling again.

Now… some people use Blue light already. To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

And Harvard has been raving about how it removes plaque… and whitens teeth. (17) (18)

Which is super important… because if you have plaque on your teeth… there’s no amount of bleaching that’ll give you a white smile.

It’s like putting a coat of paint on a piece of wood... without sanding the wood first.

You’re whitening plaque. Nothing more. To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

But with Blue Light you’ll lift plaque from your mouth... so you can clean the surfaces of your teeth without any gunk standing in the way…

And enjoy a truly healthy mouth and a whiter smile!

But as impressive as Blue LED light is…

A study from Sao Paulo State University in Brazil found Red Light enhances the effectiveness of whitening treatments.(19)

Meaning when you pair Red and Blue LED lights together…

You’ll get faster and better whitening results than you ever could using just one or the other.
To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

That’s why on this page… you have access to the ONLY Red AND Blue LED light whiten,ing solution available. To whiten your teeth click here: https://bit.ly/3RnbJY0

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