2 years ago


OfficialHankIII https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC908MQWmmRsSy8_y-PVREKg

RELEASED Sep 19, 2022 Playing sloppy banger for the Drunk Vibe on it, Recorded By Hank3, R.I.P Eddie Pleasant Sept 17,2022

Look at all that water flowing in this town
How long do you think it will be around
Look at all that water flowing in this town
How long would it take for you to drown

Look at all that water flowing in this town
How long would it take to drink it down
Look at all that water flowing in this town
How long will it be till they shut it down

How that ole Rye whiskey that used to help this town
Now there saying that whiskeys not allowed
That good ole proper whiskey that used to help this town
The law done made everyone a criminal now
Look at all that water that used to be in town
Now its bein stacked and sold underground
You know all that water that used to be around
Now they got there excuse to shoot you down

Look at all that fire thats bein brought in town
Folks are sayin its gonna changes things now
Look at all that fire burnin up our town
see what happens when you say whiskeys not allowed

Remember all that water that used to help us drown
With fire we can drink 40 gallons now
look at all that fire and water all threw town
Not long ago it was safer to walk around

Look at all that water flowing in this town
How long do you think it will be around
Look at all that water thats flowing in this town
See what happens when prohabition helps you out

look at the dead bodies laying all around
it used to be the law just shootin ya down
look at the dead bodies laying all around
I think were helpin ole Pablo run this town

link to original here

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