Make It Personal

2 years ago

Vital-Vertical relationship with God! What does that mean? It means my relationship with God is personal. I don’t have religion, I have relationship. I say NO to religiosity. I make it personal with God. Genuine, Real, Passionate relationship with God is always personal and vertical. We pray it up to God. We are loyal to God first, and that creates a relationship where there is no distractions of the enemy that can disrupt the vertical relationship with God through the chaos our enemy loves to throw at us. We are not disturbed or disquieted by the enemy. In a vital-vertical relationship with God, where we are making it personal with God, He becomes our chaos disrupter by His famous Peace that surpasses all understanding. We are tight, God and us, we have a vital-vertical relationship and we are strong in Him.

God always has something to say. Listen up to God first. Don’t give people the permission to speak into your life, unless you know God is speaking into their lives. God needs to be the first One speaking into our lives. God has never lied! God is a God of wholly-holy truth. Our world is slammed packed with lie after lie over the air waves. We consume so many false narratives daily, that it is no wonder so many of us live with a fake reality. Assumptions, speculations, presuppositions, rationalizations are lies. People speaking lies straight from the pit of hell, knowing that what they are saying isn’t true, but out of an evil motive, they speak false narrative. Only God speaks the fullness of truth and it is to Him that we should listen up to first.

Be careful who you let speak into your life, guard your heart from deception. Out of your heart flows the issues of your life, so be intentional with listening up to God first. Take time to listen up to God first. Make it personal with God. If you have a strong vital-vertical relationship with God, then your horizontal relationships with others is held up by God’s way, truth and life. Our lives should be the picture of a cross. In vertical relationship with God and horizontal relationship with others. If you have no vertical, your horizontal is down on the ground and there is no way you can hold it up for long, you can try, but it will fall. We need that vital-vertical relationship with God, absolutely so. Dig Deeper:

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