Rocky Creek Sporting Clays. Who Can Shoot Better?? 6 Friends got together to go bust some Clays.

2 years ago

6 friends got together on a Sunday to go bust some Clays.
Shotgun used
Winchester SX4 What she beat us with
Winchester SX3
Browning Maxus 2 Wicked Wings
Beretta A400 Xtreme Plus
Remington over under
Mossburg Silver Reserve

Rocky Creek encompasses approximately 300 acres on the west side of Mountain Gap Rd. This is where you will find the clubhouse, 5-stand, pavilion, new shooter learning area and the beautiful “Creek Course”.

Rocky Creek caters to all shooters and their skill levels. From the guest who has never held a shotgun before, to the tournament shooter that goes through thousands of shotgun shells a year, we welcome you to Rocky Creek Sporting Clays!

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