Dawn Kali Shares the Truth About the pH Miracle Lifestyle

2 years ago

Dawn Kali shares the truth about her cancerous condition in an interview by Chris Owen from Prime Modeling Agency in London, England. The interview took place in the Spring of 2013.

"Cancer is serious business. When people hear the “C” word come out of their doctor’s mouth they believe their death warrant has been signed.

It’s also serious business for the medical-industrial complex, which makes big money off cancer treatments and cancer drugs. Oncology is a most damnable plot against cancer patients. The cash register rings for every new cancer patient. Insurance companies contribute to the pain, suffering and death.

In 2014 Americans spent $32.6 billion on oncology drugs and another $11.1 billion supportive care treatments. New cancer drugs cost anywhere from $10,000 to $30,000 per month.

Kali complained that Young was charging her $500 per treatment that consisted of giving intravenous fluids with baking soda. A baking soda treatment was devised and long used by Italian doctor Tullio Simoncini (who has also been stripped of his medical license).

People undergoing cancer treatments die every day. But state-sponsored, officially-approved death is OK. No one thinks twice if someone dies after chemotherapy. And chemotherapy doesn’t cure anyone. In fact, chemotherapy is a catalyst for cancer cell growth, as a study published in Nature Medicine found." The Bob Livingston Letter

PS Dawn Kali did not pay for any treatments from Dr. Young. In fact she received over $200,000 i free care because she had no money! Dawn Kali brings true meeting to the words, "No good deed goes unpunished!" During the time from 2010 to April/May of 2013 Dr. Young gave Dawn Kali over $450,000 in services and money.

Why would Dawn do such a thing? Follow the money! It will always lead you back to the real criminals in this case.

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