RFK Jr The Censorship continues

2 years ago

Have you read The Real Anthony Fauci yet?  It’s a riveting read with eye opening information into the dynamics between the government,  Fauci, and the world’s richest and most powerful pockets.  Sadly, RFK Jr.’s bestselling book may be the biggest censorship story of the decade. 
Currently it is still  one of  the most heavily censored books - from almost every major news platform to bookstores, to media coverage and more. It seems the talking heads in government and media refuse to acknowledge its existence let alone  dare utter its name. There’s a BIG reason for all of this-  we touched on it partially back in episode 81. 
Now with the pending resignation/stepdown of Dr. Anthony Fauci, there is a continued lack of acknowledgement of this book's selling success.  Even more appalling is the blatant refusal of bookstores to put this book on their shelves. Back with us to discuss is  both Tony Lyons, the publisher from Skyhorse Publishing  and RFK’s assistant editor, Sofia Karstens. 
Nothing more to say… just listen!
Oh wait….get your copy NOW.

Amazon link: The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F Kennedy Jr.
About our guests:
 Tony Lyons is the president and publisher of Skyhorse Publishing, a company that has over 10,000 books in print. Tony is a dedicated free-speech advocate who believes that better arguments, made in the marketplace of ideas—rather than censorship, cancel culture and deplatforming—should be used to determine whether a particular argument is legitimate and fact-based. He believes that the concept of misinformation has been distorted and weaponized as a means for protecting greedy corporations and corrupt public officials.
Tucker Carlson recently said of Tony: “You (Tony Lyons) are the last radical publisher left in the United States. It was once such a celebrated role. Now it’s reviled. But history will vindicate your commitment to free speech.”
Sofia Karstens is an activist who worked closely with Robert F Kennedy Jr and Tony Lyons on the book The Real Anthony Fauci, which is the best selling and most-censored book in America. Sofia collaborates with several other organizations in the legal, medical science, and literary spaces and she works closely with the Children’s Health Defense California Chapter on many projects.  
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