Ed Dowd On Dr. Drew: Sudden Adult Deaths Since 2021

2 years ago

Edward Dowd, a former Wall Street analyst and BlackRock portfolio manager, examines the epidemic of sudden deaths over the course of 2021 and 2022: a phenomenon many are calling Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. What is causing the extraordinary increase in deaths?

Throughout his stock picking career, he utilized pattern recognition to get ahead of his peers and the street before his bullish or bearish thesis became consensus. Early in 2021, he noticed a rise of news anecdotes about sudden deaths among very fit athletes and other seemingly healthy young people across the country. Edward has amassed evidence from the insurance industry, funeral home industry, and government databases that excessive deaths among working-age Americans have increased in 2021 versus 2020. His thesis was simple: What changed in 2021?

Original Rumble Video:

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Read Ed Dowd's book "Cause Unknown":

See Also:

Increasing Death Rates, Plummeting Birth Rates, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)


Dr. Drew

For over 30 years, Dr. Drew has answered questions and offered guidance to millions through popular shows like Celebrity Rehab (VH1), Dr. Drew On Call (HLN), Teen Mom OG (MTV), and the iconic radio show Loveline. Now, Dr. Drew is opening his phone lines to the world by streaming LIVE from his home studio. Watch all of Dr. Drew's latest shows at:

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Dr. Kelly Victory

Dr. Kelly Victory, MD, is a board-certified trauma and emergency specialist with over 15 years of clinical experience. She served as CMO for Whole Health Management, delivering on-site healthcare services for Fortune 500 companies. She holds a BS from Duke University and her MD from the University of North Carolina. Follow her at:



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Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022
By Ed Dowd (Author), Robert Jr. F. Kennedy (Foreword)

Edward Dowd's Website:


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EXCESS mortality 2020 to April 2022. Where are the honest journalists? Where is the CDC, NIAID, or NIH? Or even FDA?
Source: https://www.usmortality.com/

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Vaccine Makers Liability Protection Is At Risk Because Of Fraud


"I can say with complete certainty that I have never been more convinced in my whole career of the fact that the vaccines not only don't work, but that these are the deadliest vaccines ever introduced into the human population on such a global scale. The US government is guilty of democide with their forced mandates, and countless corporations and government agencies are also likely liable for forcing employees to accept injections of experimental vaccines which employ novel gene therapy-based technology. The corporate media and large tech companies are also complicit due to their censorship of the nature of these vaccines, and in my opinion are accessories to wrongful death. The single greatest implication is that once we succeed in opening up the Overton window of allowed discourse on this topic, and the majority of the population gains the knowledge of what has happened, we will witness an incredible loss of trust in our institutions. At a bare minimum the NIH, CDC, FDA and Health and Human Services need to be razed and built up again anew. In addition, the politicians involved, the unwitting Doctors who pushed this vaccine program, University Administrators-departments and the media-tech complex have all lost the trust of the public, will need to rethink their institutions and governance structures, will have much to answer for in the coming years..."

-- Edward Dowd, Central Banks, Global Debt & COVID, July 26, 2022

Source: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/central-banks-global-debt-and-covid


"The brave frontline doctors blew the whistle on this vaccine early on…the signals they identified should have stopped the vaccinations in its tracks like the 70’s swine flu. They are the heroes. They were attacked & smeared. The fact that the apparatus of government & private corporations through their actions allowed it to get to the point where bodies & injuries are piling up is the largest global crime against humanity ever seen. The implications are staggering & profound. We are not going back to normal anytime soon. My insurance industry partner & I are forever grateful for the brave doctors…we are just 2 ex Wall Street geeks exposing through our skills the damage wrought by those who didn’t listen to the warnings from the frontline doctors."

-- Edward Dowd, GETTR, March 13, 2022

Source: https://gettr.com/post/pztarr961e


"I think as this scandal collapses and unfolds, it's going to remake a lot of our institutions," Dowd says, "and I think that's a good thing. I think people like yourself [Dr. Joseph Mercola] and others who've been out in the wilderness are going to be vindicated. I'll never take another vaccine again, or a flu shot. I'm done. I'm out."

-- Edward Dowd, Dr. Joseph Mercola Interviews Edward Dowd: Global Financial Collapse Is A 'Mathematical Certainty', September 6, 2022

Source: https://rumble.com/v1iz4zd-dr.-joseph-mercola-interviews-edward-dowd-global-financial-collapse-is-a-ma.html

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