How To Get Rid Of Bloating Stomach Remedies and Bloated Gas

2 years ago

How To Get Rid Of Bloating Stomach Remedies and Bloated Gas
Bloating. The purpose of this video is to explain what bloating is, why it occurs, how to treat it, what causes it, and what foods can help.

Most people have felt bloated when their stomach is distended, puffy, and painful. It frequently occurs following a busy weekend or during a festive period. Bloating, however, is more than just a minor discomfort for some people.

If your stomach or tummy feels bloated frequently, it can be because of:

Reduce intake of foods that are known to increase wind and produce bloating, such as:

beans, onions, broccoli, cabbage, sprouts, cauliflower, and other vegetables

However, remember to have five servings of fruit and vegetables each day.

▶CONSTIPATION: If you experience constipation, take action to avoid it by eating a diet high in fiber, drinking enough of water, and engaging in regular exercise. Your digestive function can be enhanced by even a brief, four times per week stroll of 20 to 30 minutes.

▶AIR INTAKE: Aim to avoid taking in too much air. Avoid talking and eating at the same time, eat while sitting erect and without slouching, cut back on carbonated drinks, quit chewing gum, and chew with your mouth closed to avoid inhaling too much air.

Bloating may result from food intolerance when:

The meal traps gas, your bowel doesn't empty completely, and too much gas is created in response to the food.

Dairy products and wheat, or gluten, are the main ones. If you have a food intolerance, cutting out the aggravating food altogether or eating less of it is the best course of action.

For a few weeks, keep a food journal, noting everything you eat and drink as well as the times of day when bloating bothers you the most. However, avoid doing so in the long run without consulting your doctor first.

▶COELIAC DISEASE: Coeliac disease is a common digestive disorder wherein your intestines are unable to absorb gluten, which is present in grains including wheat, barley, and rye.

If you have Coeliac disease, eating meals containing gluten can also result in bloating, tiredness, and diarrhea.

If you think you may have Coeliac disease, visit your doctor for a blood test.

Coeliac disease has no known treatment, however once it has been identified, a gluten-free diet should be beneficial.

Bloating is a common complaint among those who have irritable bowel syndrome, especially in the evening.

IBS-related bloating doesn't appear to be related to too much wind. It is believed to be caused by the bowel's irregular discharge of substances.

▶WHEN TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR: Consult your GP to rule out a more serious condition if your bloating symptoms persist or become more than a minor discomfort. Bloating and a prolonged sense of fullness are two of ovarian cancer's main symptoms.

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