3 Disturbing Posts from Reddit [Vol. 55]

2 years ago

Today's first story is about how a woman who works at an IT company in the Philippines starts getting stalked. She tells one of her co-workers that she just got out of a bad relationship and her friend sets her up with another guy who supposedly is a new employee. She meets him and immediately gets an off feeling about him. She ignores him over time and eventually every time they meet it gets worse. The man starts stalking her on her social media, and she eventually reports it to HR at the company she is working at. They learn that the man was never an official employee where she was working at. The second story is about how a woman who moves into a college starts trying to date on Tinder. She meets a guy who seems to be cool at first but eventually grows to be very creepy on her. Eventually one night the guy is at her front door out of nowhere. She gets him to leave and is able to get the college board to separate them both. The third story is about how a girl and a father one night are sleeping. The girl decides to take a shower before going to bed when she hears rumbling in the house. She walks into her room to get dressed when she sees a face outside. She screams and her father walks outside with a gun and sees the man that was looking inside. He yells at him to run away and he does, they call the cops the next day and see where the man trespassed on their property. The man is never seen again.

My subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ToxicSkullX/

0:18 Story 1
7:26 Story 2
11:13 Story 3

Original posts:

Story 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/hkfrf2/guy_waits_for_me_and_harasses_after_work/

Story 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/bzdt9p/the_reason_i_wont_be_alone_on_my_college_campus/

Story 3: https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/6q6j3u/always_keep_your_doors_closed_and_your_blinds_shut/

If you wish to post your own stories for me to narrate in future videos, post them on my subreddit or email them to me! Make sure they are neat and have good grammar, otherwise I will ignore them.


Hello everyone. Today I will be narrating three disturbing reddit posts that I found from the r/LetsNotMeet subreddit. If you wish to put your own stories for my videos on my subreddit, it would be much appreciated. I hope you enjoy this one, consider liking and subscribing and leaving a comment, positive or negative. Constructive criticism is always nice as well.

I am always grateful for your appreciation to my channel and its content. From subscriptions, to likes, to ratings, all is appreciated. Thank you and have a wonderful day.


Horror Ambience (Free Background Music) ESN Productions

Dark Synth by 5P4C3_C4173T | License: Creative Commons 0

CO.AG Music.

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