Zetetic.news CYBERCHAT Live with RumseyRN discussing #healthwars and the lethal #watercrisis

2 years ago


#proceedbyinquiry #fluoride #watercrisis #healthwars

In today's Cyberchat we'll be networking with RumseyRN, the "Health Coach for Nurses": https://www.instagram.com/rumseyrn/ to discuss her work raising awareness about our toxified medical system and how she works with people to take their health back. Rumsey and I connected on Instagram after a water main break in the City of Durham NC resulted in the following notice by the water management department...which we both critically commented on.
After some DMs were exchanged Rumsey agreed to join our network for a chat. We plan to start the livestream around 10 AM EST on 9/20, the call in line (1-855-877-5112) will be open so if you would like to comment on our discussion there will be a short segment dedicated to that. You can listen to the show while you are in queue, or by any of the livestreams made available on Rumble, Odysee, YouTube or THETA Edgecast.


Keen listeners of the zetetic.news show will know we cover the ongoing #healthwars including the national water fluoridation program locally and at large. You can find some of our videos on this subject here:


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