Coromantee : The Akan Warriors of the New World…

2 years ago

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Coromantee : The Akan Warriors of the New World… | Forgotten Black History

Welcome to "Forgotten Black History". On this channel we talk about special places, events and people in Black History, This page serves as an index to the prominent figures featured throughout the Black History society. Black history is the story of African Americans in the United States and elsewhere. We want to celebrate, remind, and pay respect to not only African Americans but Black people of all races and backgrounds. We hope you subscribe to join the family, so we can grow a small community to help people of all races know just how special black people actually are in the world. Thank you for taking the time out to visit our channel. We hope you subscribe, if you hadn't already. We wish you peace and love, and for you to stay safe out there.

Coromantee (derived from the name of the Ghanaian coastal town "Kormantse"), also called Coromantins, Coromanti or Kormantine was the English name given to Akan slaves from the Gold Coast or modern-day Ghana. The term Coromantee is now considered archaic as it simply refers to Akan people, and was primarily used in the Caribbean. Coromantins actually came from several Akan ethnic groups – Ashanti, Fanti, Akyem, etc. – presumably taken as war captives. Owing to their militaristic background and common Akan language, Coromantins organized dozens of slave rebellions in Jamaica and elsewhere in the Caribbean. Their fierce, rebellious nature became so notorious among white plantation owners in the 18th century that an Act was proposed to ban the importation of people from the Gold Coast despite their reputation as strong workers. The Akans had the single largest African cultural influence on Jamaica, including Jamaican Maroons whose culture and language was seen as a derivation of Akan. Names of some notable Coromantee leaders such as Cudjoe, Quamin, Cuffy, and Quamina correspond to Akan day names Kojo, Kwame, Kofi, and Kwabena, respectively.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, captive Africans from the Gold Coast area, modern-day Ghana, were sent to Caribbean colonies. Jamaica received a high percentage of people from this region because of Great Britain’s control of the Gold Coast. These would have included people sold by the Ashanti, but because of frequent wars between Akan groups, would have also included Ashanti, Fanti, and other Akan prisoners of war. White slave owners began to distinguish Africans by place of origin and attach behaviors and characteristics based on their ethnicity. “Coromantee” (Twi: Kormantse) was defined as the region from where people came since they shared a common language today known as Twi, and this language formed the basis for membership in a loosely structured organization of people who socialized and helped one another.

Edward Long, an 18th-century white Jamaican colonist who strongly advocated banning Coromantins, noted that this unity among the Akan groups played an important role in organizing plots and rebellions despite the geographical dispersion of Coromantins across different plantations. The organizational unity of Coromantins, due to their common background also contributed to a mutual aid society, burial group, and places to enjoy social entertainment.

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