The Clinton Foundation Part 2

2 years ago

This video starts out talking about the elephant in the room by making a comparison between the Trump Foundation and Clinton Foundation "scandals".

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Published on Sep 22, 2016

As Hilary Clinton’s health, public support and campaign continue to collapse, the establishment is circling the wagons around their puppet thereby exposing their NWO agenda and all of its ugly, anti-American colors. George HW Bush says he’ll vote for Hillary, and why not? The Bush family created the Clintons. Goldman Sachs is forbidding its employees from making any donations to Donald Trump. And the mockingbird mainstream media continues to cover up Hillary’s perjury and the BILLIONS of dollars missing from the Clinton Foundation. The establishment is burning down its own house in the vain attempt to save it. Writer and researcher David Jensen joins me to talk about all of it.

Did the Trump Foundation Do Anything Worse Than The Clinton Foundation?
Ben Swann
Published on Dec 20, 2018

Trump Foundation agrees to dissolve but why isn't the media talking about the other foundations like the Clinton Foundation or the foundations set up by Goldman Sachs as well?

EpiPen Price Gouge Tied to Clinton Foundation #NewWorldNextWeek
Published on Aug 25, 2016

Pharma Firm Mylan Faces Scrutiny Over 548% Price Increase On ‘EpiPen’
West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin Mum On EpiPen Price Hikes By Daughter's Drug Corp Mylan
Company Gouging Price Of EpiPens Is A Clinton Foundation Donor, Partner Since 2009
Mylan CEO Is Clinton Donor, Daughter Of WV Senator Joe Manchin
Jay Rockefeller Op-Ed: “Hillary Looking Fearlessly At West Virginia’s Future”
Rockefeller Medicine: The Real History Of Modern Healthcare

Published on Sep 19, 2017

If you want to help the tens of thousands of victims of hurricanes Harvey and Irma, then "AVOID the American Red Cross", so says fraud investigator Charles Ortel. Although Hollywood celebrities are working hard to channel MILLIONS to the Red Cross, the charity's track record for getting funds to the people who need them is abysmal. Look no further than Haiti, where just like with the Clinton Foundation, many tens of MILLIONS in donations are completely unaccounted for. Thanks for tuning in.

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