Homemade Skeeter Repellent

2 years ago

Homemade Skeeter Repellent

This is a plant that is often used to make tasteless jelly. I don’t get it. There really isn’t much flavor going on there. The leaves however are a great mosquito repellent. This is a plant that grows in zone 7 through 11.

I gather a good stack of leaves and then soak it in rubbing alcohol. After that I filter it with coffee filters. If I hadn’t chewed it up with the stick blender it wouldn’t stain. I was in a hurry and out here I don’t care if I get stains on my work clothes. I got a lot worse than that working out there. I’d be inclined to soak it in the alcohol for at least a week. Just taking a leaf and rubbing it on one of my arms made the mosquitos stay away from the right half of me. This works nicely and it lasts. It is a way to cut out some of the wokerista corporations and while I’m on that topic. Don’t embrace the suck. Get out and vote these lefty louses out of office. Remember there are a lot of blood suckers that don’t fly. They just get to make the rules.


This link discusses some varieties that are more cold hardy zones 5 through 8.

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