When Your Old Address Clashes With A New Life

2 years ago

Have you ever wondered why it seems so difficult to get out of a rut? You take 2 steps forward and 1 step back? There's a fair chance that you've not switched your address in the spiritual realm. Isaiah 22:22 only applies for those who walk in the order of Melchizadek or the order of Zadok (the righteousness of God).

in today's episode, Repentance101 tackles both how to change your world by changing your address as well as showing how Jesus came in the form of man and gave up all of the connections to the all-powerful Godhead.

Also, BRAND NEW WAY to join the Repentance101 squad. Now, instead of being asked a bunch of questions, we simply ask that you join us on a ZOOM meeting and from there, be vetted. You can contact me directly on Telegram https://t.me/repentance101 and I will be more than happy to provide you with a link to the latest ZOOM invite!


Kingdom Protocol Conference - Natasha goes to Trinidad to tell them why the Protocol of Heaven is above the protocol of earth

Unlocking the Mystery of the Spiritual Realm - Beverley Watkins, the one who introduced me to the prayer of cleaning the gates

Repentance: Cleansing the Generational Bloodline - Natasha goes into great detail on the level of repentance that allows the reader to annihilate the regional principalities so that the Kingdom of God can be let loose on the earth around you, fulfilling the Lord's Prayer of "thy Kingdom com, thy will be done on earth as it already is in Heaven". It is also the HIGHLY recommended companion to this group due to the word Repentance.

Encountering God's Normal - Kevin Zadai
(One of the books that I have recorded into the group already.) This one book reset my process of life. God's version of normal isn't what I thought it was, despite being a leader in my group.


Last but not least important, if you have found this video to be helpful, consider donating: https://paypal.me/repentance101

Repentance101 is now a LIVE PUBLIC group on Telegram! https://t.me/Repentance101_Public

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