War With Russia Again? Still? (Audio)

2 years ago

I am not sure what it is going to take for the American people to see what the Press is doing but misinformation abounds. Vladimir Putin release a speech today restating his position and announcing to his people that a greater mobilization effort will be taking place because of the direct threats against the Russian homeland by West (United States) and our allies. 3 things... 1)Vladimir Putin's goal has remained the same, free the people of Donetsk and Luhansk, 2) Give those people a chance to vote for what they want & 3) Vladimir Putin looks good for someone the American Press says is dying of Cancer. No matter how you slice it, we are going to war with a country who is doing everything in its power to avoid war. Where will this end? I have no idea. Listen as I share my thoughts.

To See Video - click here

See transcript of Putins' Speech below.

sounds clips from - an-upsetting-theme-by-kevin-macleod; 472688__silverillusionist__fire-burst, & 117592__soundmary__aplause-short-burst

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