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What is the best strategy for 1 minute trading?
Resultado de imagem para US30 1MIN ENTRY MODEL
What is a 1-minute scalping trading method? The 1-minute scalping method in forex entails starting a trade, gaining a few pips, and closing the position. Because you only make a few pips for every trade, selecting a broker or a prop firm with the shortest spreads and lowest costs is critical

Very Aggressive Scalping - Trading On a 1-Minute Chart?
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What is the best RSI setting for 1 min chart?
Now, if you're a high-frequency trader you can use a short-term period if the RSI is applied on the 5-minute chart or even the 1 minute time frame. The RSI settings for 1 minute chart that we prefer are 4 periods.

What is the 5 3 1 trading strategy?
We recommend keeping our 531 rule in mind that states you should only trade five currency pairs (to gain an intimate understanding of how the pairs move), using three trading strategies and trading at the same time of day (so that you become familiar with what the markets are doing at that time).01/04/2020

7 Ways NOT to Trade Forex (And Why) › 7-ways-not-to-trade-forex
Pesquisar por: What is the 5 3 1 trading strategy?
How many pips is scalping?
between five and 10 pips
Scalpers like to try and scalp between five and 10 pips from each trade they make and to repeat this process over and over throughout the day. Pip is short for "percentage in point" and is the smallest exchange price movement a currency pair can take.

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